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"Hurt Derek?" I asked leaning closer to him.

"Yes Emily , hurt him where he is most vulnerable." Ethan looked at his brother with weary eyes. Like he didn't want to hear any of this .Maybe he knows something that Deucalion does not know. That's a ridiculous thought , he knows everything about everyone and what they are capable of. Like how did he know I could heal people when I have never met him in my life.

"Hurt him in his heart." images of last night rammed through me like a train taking my stomach along with it.

"I can't if you want to hurt him then go ask the woman he is seeing " Kali smirked at me , probably reading the emotions that were on my face.

"Who is this woman , Emily" hesitating to say Miss.Blake's name.

"It's , Jennifer Blake she teaches at beacon hill" I blurted out ,he sighed and took Kali's out stretched arm. They started to walk away before he turned his head towards me.

"We will be seeing each other very soon Emily, be careful while you walk alone at night." They continued to walk away and I forgot to ask him something .

"Please don't hurt my friends " I shouted after them.They didn't answer they only continued to disappear.


"Scott we don't have a lot of time." I motioned towards the clock on my phone.Anxious to know if deaton was still alive.He turned around walking backwards. "You should go help Isaac and Boyd , even though I do not like it you'd be a great help against Kali." he suggested. I nodded only thinking about my two friends who were putting their lives in danger to help Derek even if he doesn't deserve it.I followed Scott outside and hopped into my car.He got in his bike and peered through my window.

"Emily , be safe and don't get hurt" I halfheartedly smiled at him and returned the favor.He sped off on his bike to Allison's house.The engine roared to life, I shut my headlights off and drove as fast as I possibly could without getting attention from the police since my camaro probably goes faster than any car in Beacon Hills.The scenery around me blurred as i reached almost 60 miles per hour , not daring to go faster or i'll end up with a speeding ticket.I swerved into the parking lot and ran into the building.

Instead of taking the lift , I ran upstairs and opened the heavy door.The loft was filled with a pool of water , and the boys were standing on the only dry place in the loft.

"Em, don't walk into the water" Issac shouted across the room i put a thumbs up not being able to speak because seeing Derek left a knot in my throat.

" Quick question , Isn't the alarm supposed to go off?" I managed to blurt out , Derek looked at the floor and stepped off the platform. The lights went out leaving everything dark. The door was opened , and in came Kali. She looked to my direction and smirked.

"Emily nice to see you again , how's that concussion?" my hand flew up to my head wincing from the memory of last nights pain.

"It's fine" I bluntly responded.Derek looked at me suspiciously.

"Gotta be honest Derek , when Ennis died I thought to myself , just go for it. Find you and kill you where ever you stood."She spoke with such confidence.It actually scared me more than it should.

"But then i remembered , You surround yourself with these teenagers hiding behind them." She then smiled evilly towards me."Then i thought what's a girl gotta a do to get you alone, and with a little help from a very distant friend I figured it out." I swallowed the gum that was in my mouth as Aiden and Ethan brought out Miss.Blake ."You and me derek, or they tear her to shreds." Issac and Boyd fell back along side with me and Derek stepped up."Im gonna rip your throat out... with my teeth." He charged at her and all hell broke loose.

Everytime Derek was hit my body's reaction was to run and help but instead i fought the instinct away and sat trying to numb myself.Kali had an advantage, she was so much stronger than him. He hasn't ever gained another pack members strength , she has. Her moves are much more graceful than his she had every defense move thought out , Derek acted purely on instincts . As they say instincts can be the death of you.Issac looked at his phone and showed me the text.

From :Stiles

were turning everything back on.

Kali had Derek on the ground and Boyd ran into the water ,crippling as the power came on.Kali barely fell and Derek was paralyzed in the water."Get him" she yelled.My eyes bulged out as she shoved Boyd onto to Derek's claws.

"No!" I screamed charging after her feeling the burning sensation in my hands that once brought her to her knees. She was already in a defensive position as we collided onto the floor.

"Get this bitch off of me" She screamed and i put my hands around her throat watching the life starting to drain from her face.My arms were pulled behind my back and i was thrown against the pillar.Feeling shards break off from the impact.Kali got up and kicked me forcefully in the chest.I heard at least 5 crunches come from inside of me ."You have until the next Full moon derek, make the smart choice.Join the pack , or next time i'll kill all of you.Emily you'll be first on my list" She walked out taking the twins with her. Boyd's lifeless body laid in the pool of water. I crawled over to him and checked for a heart beat.I put my hands directly over the wounds on his chest."C'mon " I whispered watching the light from my veins die out once they hit his skin the tears blurred my vision and my noise began to run."Come one god dammit , work " maybe if i self inflict a wound it will trigger the healing process.I took my finger and bit hard into it quickly pressing it on his skin. Nothing happened , my wound didn't heal by itself and by now the adrenalin has wore off and the most sharpest pain pierced my rib cage and my shoulders.The pain was unbearable.Every breath I drew in left me aching in pain. My body was pushed out of the way by cora as she cried over his body.I slowly pushed myself up and limped over to Stiles.

"I need to go to the hospital"I gasped. I almost fell back into the water before Issac caught me and held me up.

"Stiles go to Scott I'll bring her." I fell limp as blood trickled down my chin Iss he picked me up and began carrying me down the stairs."You're gonna be okay." Were the lasts words I heard from him before the pain knocked me out.

It Doesn't Matter (Teen Wolf Derek Hale)Where stories live. Discover now