Twenty Six

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The dream felt so real. I felt those claws rip into me, I felt Derek touch me I could feel it all.I sat on the bench outside of school staring off into the distance. This isn't the first time I've dreamed about Derek or even my sister. But the cloaked woman is new, I haven't dreamed about anything like her. It was me but it wasn't, I'm not a werewolf.

I don't even know what the hell I am. Deaton has been helping me search but a part of me thinks he's hiding information from me. I tried looking for information on my parents but nothing but normal things are coming up. My mom was a teacher, Dad was a cop and served with Stiles dad. I know my sister was a wolf she got attacked on a camping trip with her boyfriend. But the funny thing is thats what my parents told me. Her story wasn't on the news, I spent a night looking for information on her attack but nothing came up. Gosh I wish they were alive, I just want answers. Why did my father try to drown me that night the last time I saw him. Said my sisters death was my fault. My life doesn't make sense anymore. There are so many questions and when one gets answered a million new ones appear. 

"Emily." I looked over to where I heard my name and saw a cloaked figure in the distance. I slid off the bench and began stalking the figure. So focused on the person, my senses were startled when someone bumped into me. 

"Oh Emily thank god I found you." Lydia exclaimed taking hold of my hand and dragging me away from my trance. I looked back and the figure was gone. " Soon".

" Whats up Lydia why were you looking for me. "  We went through the crowd of students into the halls of the school.

" So you remember when Allison, Scott, and Stiles all died and came back?" I nodded having slight flashbacks of them going under. "Well something is happening to them and they aren't good." She continued. I'm not the only one going crazy? But that would make no sense. I didn't do it that night. I only watched. So whatever's happening to me can't be related to them. Or can it? " So since we are the only sane ones in this situation. Watch over Stiles and Scott and i'll take care of Allison. Okay?"

"Yeah that sounds good, I have history with them now so It shouldn't be too  hard." Sane, I don't even know the definition of that word anymore. Lydia smiled and began walking off to her class.

History wasn't so bad. Besides some girl Kira getting embarrassed in class by the new teacher which turned out to be her dad. I drowned out most of his introduction lecture tuning into sounds outside. The dream kept replaying in my head like a movie stuck on repeat. It was driving me crazy. Where was Derek. I missed him so much. I still love him but maybe his sudden disappearance is a sign that the world doesn't want us to be together. Maybe the world doesn't want me to be with anyone. I can't even figure myself out and I'm worried about a guy. The same guy who betrayed us all before.

" Hey Emily can I talk to you about something important later." Stiles whispered to me.

"Sure, what's it about." I replied in an undertone.

"Excuse me, I'm sure the life of being a teenager outside of school can wait for a few moments. No talking while I'm speaking." We both hushed up and paid attention to the lecture.

After school I sat in my car and laid my head back against the seat. This whole day has been long and drawn out. My energy level dropped significantly after last period. I basically had to call upon the gods to help me to my car. It feels like I'm drunk or high. Either one of those. I took a sip of the water I kept in the back seat and willed myself to try and drive home. In order to avoid traffic I took the main road between the forest. Not many people drove on it at this time so if I had to I could just pull over and situate myself. 

On the way home my vision was consecutively getting worse. I couldn't stop driving though. "Emily  you don't look so good "   The voice from earlier sounded in my head like a siren. I tried to pull over but my hands wouldn't turn. My hands only gripped onto the wheel tighter until my knuckles were pale white.

"Emily, be careful or you could crash. We wouldn't want you to get hurt now."  My chest began to tighten until it felt like there was no oxygen to breath in the car. "EMILY WATCH OUT" A different voice screamed into my brain pushing any other menacing whispers out. A deer stood in the middle of the road. I regained control of my limbs and stomped on the breaks as I swerved to the side of the road. I bashed my head on the steering wheel and could feel a sharp pain in my chest from the seat belt trying it's best to keep me in my seat.

"Shit." My voice broke the deafening silence. My car was fine I think. I got out of the seat and dizzily walked to the front. The hood was dented from the guard reel but nothing severe. I wiped my forehead and looked at my hand to see blood smeared on the back of it. This is ridiculous. Now I cant drive without being worried about dying. What is happening to me, why is it happening to me. I need to tell the others before it gets worse and something horrible happens besides a little dent in the hood of my car.  

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