Twenty five

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A knock startled me from the large pile of homework spread out on my cluttered desk. The amount of trouble thrown at us has kept me from doing anything related to school. Another soft tap on the window. I peered through the window pane only to be greeted by two blue eyes. I unlocked the window and stepped back to let Derek's tall frame slip through.

"Derek, where have you been. No one's has heard from you." 

"I've been occupied." 

"Too occupied to answer Scott's texts. Nice" I sat back down and resumed what I was doing before.

"Emily,  I have thought about you everyday since the night you were in the hospital,I miss you." I felt his hand rest upon my shoulder, electricity sizzled through my nerves. He smelt of cologne mixed with the scent of the forest. It seemed to good to be true that he was in my room. Since the eclipse he went awol. I was worried that maybe he was in trouble. 

"I've missed you too. But that doesn't change how I feel about our situation." He turned my chair around so I'd be facing him instead of my desk. 

"Why can't you forget about it, it was a mistake i'll never make again. I just want you." 

" I can't just forget that you faked dead and banged Jennifer. " I exhausted this argument for what feels like the millionth time. Why can't he understand that I can't just left him think its fine to get away with doing that to me. He betrayed us and demolished the foundation where our relationship was built on. He caressed the top of my thigh, his fingers grazing over the hem of the shorts I had on sending chills up my spine. 

"Come on Emily, please forgive me. Forget that Jennifer existed." He whispered. 

" You can forget about me taking you back easily because it isn't an option on the table at the moment. I need to focus on school again." I moved his hand away from my leg and inched away from him. He sensed me moving back into my seat and slid forward. His leg parted mine and he gently brushed my cheek. 

" I bet you can't forget how I make you feel. How it felt for me to hold you." He moved closer, my breath caught in my throat. " To touch you." One hand slid to my inner thigh and his leg made it impossible to close mine. " To kiss you" He leaned in merely centimeters away from my lips.

"Derek stop." I sighed through my slightly parted lips.

" I know this is driving you crazy Emily. Admit it , you want me and you know it. You're just letting your stubborn attitude get in the way of you happiness and needs." He leaned in closer, his lips brush over mine. Every nerve fired off in my body, sending sharp nibbles under the surface of the skin he came in contact with. " You kn-" Before another word could slip through his sly mouth , I finished off the small distance keeping us apart and wrapped myself around him. My lips feverishly moving in sync with his, making up for the time they've been apart. He stood up holding me up around his waist and placed me on the bed, removing his shirt effortlessly. 

I stared up in horror, "Shit Derek, what happened." There were claw marks straight across his chest, blood dripping down.  He looked down.

" Emily they got me, I'm sorry. "  He fell onto me , his cold sticky body weighed down on me bringing me down through the bed , everything becoming a black void. My eyes squeezed shut waiting for the worst to come. The feeling of falling stopped and my back rested on hard ground. A breeze rushed under me and lifted me off the ground. 

"RUN EMILY RUN."  My sister grabbed my wrist and dragged me through the forest. "COME ON THIS WAY." She shouted, a sharp pain bit into my back and causes me to stumble onto the forest floor. 

I looked up to be greeted by a cloaked female, her eyes glowing blue through the darkness. " One of us Emily, it's what you're destined to be."Her voice was distorted. 

"What are you." I cried through the pain. She removed the cloak. 

" I'm you." Her teeth were large, claws replacing finger nails. She raised her wolf like hand and slashed it through my throat. 

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO" I screamed, sitting up quickly clutching my chest. Sweat dripped down my body . I looked around greeted by the familiar confines of my room. The sun shone through the curtains. My heart was beating furiously in my ears. You're safe, it was just a dream. It didn't feel like a dream. The pain was real, Derek felt so real. 

"Em, you awake?" Isaac knocked on the door. 

"Yeah." He peeked his head into the room. 

"You're my ride right?" I nodded and got up , stretching the dream away. He looked away and blushed. I glanced down to my legs and realized I don't sleep with pants of any sort.

" You've seen a girl without pants on before. Keep it in your pants for Allison." I looked through my closet and grabbed a black skirt and a white pocketed t-shirt. Since I took a shower last night I just threw the clothes on and brushed my hair back into a ponytail.  Maybe school will take away my dream.

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