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"I did not get sleep last night so I dare you to irritate me today stiles I freaking dare you!"I yelled letting go of his shirt and storming off to my locker, last night was terrible I didn't get a wink of sleep last night due to the racing of my endless thoughts and worries of what or who could possibly get hurt today and when it would happen. Derek was also on the list of thoughts but i was not worried about that right now.Something in the pit of my stomach and back of mind continuously warned me that some how someone will be killed tonight and this time it'll be someone close to me.I swallowed a developing lump in my throat and continued to my classes trying to shrug off my thoughts with biology notes.

- Later that day-

The lights brightened the field and the feel of cold metal froze to the thin tights covering my ass.The boys runs out of the locker room and to my surprise Scott sits on the bench. He's co-captain that makes no sense . I got up from the bleachers and skip over to the bench behind them.

"Stiles put on your helmet your in for Greenburgh " Coach spoke getting in my way of vision.

"Wait , what happened to greenburgh?" Stiles asked facing coach. Coach weighed his hands with the how much stiles sucks to greenburg. Stiles put his helmet out and ran onto the field like a spaz.

I got up and sat next to Scott.He had this,this look on his face . He was hearing something or someone.

"Scott!" he snapped out of it and looked through me.The feeling i've been having all day made a special appearance featuring its best friend stabbing pains in my head I clutched my skull.

"Someones dying tonight am I right."I hissed quietly, he shook his head and looked at the field as the referee blew his whistle and they served the ball.Stiles scooped it and immediately got tackled. The crowd boo'd loudly and Scott started to get up . Coach pushed him down. " Coach were dying out there''

"I know that's why your seating out" Scott groaned and started shaking his leg. Isaac sat on the bench and smirked. I could have never been happier to see his face.

"You came to help " Scott exclaimed . Isaac put on his gloved and grabbed scotts helmet.

"I came to win." My eyes brightened and I threw my arms around his neck hugging him tightly.

I looked at the field seeing stiles once again get tackled.Isaac got on the field and when the whistle blew he tackled one of the players on our team Causing them to have to be benched and a new player get on. This plan seemed stupidly genius until Isaac was tackled down so hard he had to be assisted to the locker room.

I looked around for Gerard and he was gone . Isaac. The crowd was going crazy totally simple for me to get to the locker room without being noticed . Voices escaped the room so I started to creep in when Scott grabbed me.

"What are you doing?" he whispered. I put my hand over his mouth and shushed him . I grabbed my knife and walked in . Gerard had a sword in his hand. The same one he showed me the night he tried to recruit me into his little wolf hunters team. Isaac smirked at Scott and I . The hunters looked back and laughed at the sight of me.

" Whoa boys look what we got here a wolf and a tramp." one of them said cockily . Scott stepped forward but I put a hand on his chest and and stepped up to the hunter smiling. I took my taser and pressed it in his abdomen tasing him.He slumped over and fell into the floor.I turned to the next and repeated the action.

We finished off the rest of them only to notice Gerard got away. Scott rushed out of the locker room so Isaac and i were alone."You good buddy?" I asked helping him to the locker room bench.

"Yeah,I'm fine."

The feeling in me burst into a new intensity.Suddenly loud blood curdling screams erupted from the field.

"Something happened hurry."I grabbed his hand and ran outside.People were running all over the place and the lights were off. A circle of people were crowded on the field and i ran towards that direction .Jackson was on the grass unconscious.Melissa was working on him.

"Look" Sscott pointed to Jackson's fingers , blood was all over them.

"He did it to himself ?" Isaac asked.Lydia was crying while holding his head up

"No pulse or heart beat. " melissa announced .

Mr.Stilinski was looking for something muttering words . "Wfheres stiles" i whispered looking around just as he starting yelling .


I ran upstairs to my room and changed out of my clothes putting on my black sweater and new running shoes. Scott was with Isaac investigating about Jackson and Stiles was still no where to be found but i have a feeling Gerard has something to do with it. I looked around my room for any unwanted visitors and ripped the false wall out of my closet revealing the bows and guns and knives i've collected lately . Taking out my throwing knives and my crossbow. I ran down stairs locking the door behind me and jumped in my car revving the engine and speeding off to Allison's house. Being smart i parked a street away and took off on foot . Their were people in the front of the house so i carefully hid in the bushes and looked around for some type of distraction . There a few rocks in here so i picked one up and threw it at the car farthest from me it was Allison's."Sorry Allison." I whispered and ran to the basement window peering in seeing Erica and Boyd and Stiles. They were the least of my problems right now. I opened the window shimming in since it was a tight fit. The two were looking at me as i tried to see if stiles was okay. I could hear walking upstairs and i panicked and slapped him in the face getting a small response. " Emily?" he mumbled . i nodded helping him up and walking him over to the window. " I'm getting you out of here champ" he smiled and i pushed him up threw the window walking back to Erica and trying to untie her from the wires. Electricity shocked my whole arm"Son of a bitch." The basement door opened and I glanced between the both of them."I'll be back I swear" before running to the window and closing it quietly behind me. Stiles was laying on the grass clearly knocked out. I groaned and grabbed his shoulders and swung a arm around his waist trying to walk him back to my car.

I used the water bottle i my car to wake him up and get him to his house safely.

"Thank you, I love you so much right now."I ran a hand through his hair seeing his busted lip.

"That's what best friend.Love you too buddy."He went to his door and opened it shutting it behind him.

Scott called my phone and I answered pulling out of the driveway. " Emily you should definitely meet us now" I u-turned and sped off to the address he sent me.

It Doesn't Matter (Teen Wolf Derek Hale)Where stories live. Discover now