Chapter 1

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"Orochimaru-sama!!!" Said Sannin looked up from thescrolls he was looking at to see his assistant Kabuto, the man lookedrough. His hair was unkept, his clothes ruffled and dirtied.

"Yes Kabuto, did you need something?" He asked not ableto hide the smirk as the man shook, he could feel the fear flowingoff of him in waves. It was clear that something was terribly wrongand Kabuto feared his reaction.

"Um... Orochimaru-sama... Rin-chan has...." Orochimaru'sgaze narrowed at the mention of his daughter. "Vanished..."Kabuto braced himself for the older man's reaction, he stole a peakto see that his master had ripped the scroll he had been holding.

"What do you mean vanished, Kabuto?" He hissed glaringdown at the man. "Didn't I give you the job of watching her?"

Kabuto adjusted his glasses as he stared at the floor. "Aboutthat.... I had some experiments to take care of... So I left her withKisame......" He broke off as the sannin rushed past him.

"Kisame!!!! Where is my daughter you bastard!?!?" Kabutowinced as he heard the slamming of the door.

He didn't know how he was going to make up for this, this was theseventh time Rin had run off, no matter who was baby sitting, shesomehow always slipped through the Akatsuki members' fingers.

Kabuto went to follow the Sannin with a sigh. He'd need help tofind the child. The snake was partly choking Kisame in the sittingroom. "Kisame, where's my daughter?" He hissed.

The shark man chuckled lightly as he tried to make Orochimarurelease his throat. "Itachi-san took her out." He smirkedat the disgusted look that came to the other man's face. Everyoneknew he hated the idea of his daughter hanging out with Itachi morethan any of the other members, he even prefered Kakuzu and Hidan tothe Uchiha.

"Where did he take her!?" He demanded, his grip on theman's throat tightened.

Kisame chuckled. "Just out for some sweets." The snake'seyes grew cold as he released the man knowing he wouldn't tell himwhere Itachi had brought her.

"Itachi-nii, can we do this again?" Everyone in theroom's heads whipped around to see the child who was causing all thehavoc, clinging onto the Uchiha's arm, she had a sucker in her mouthand a bag handing from her rist which seemed to be buldging with moresweets.

"Of course, Rin-chan." He smiled down at her beforeturning his gaze to the girl's Otou-san.

"Itachi! What did I say about takin-" "Otou-san!"Orochimaru's words were cut short as his daughter hugged him aroundthe middle. "Itachi-nii got me sweets!"

Itachi smirked when he saw the anger drain from Orochimaru's faceas he looked down into her golden snake eyes that mirrored his own.Rin dug in her bag and pulled out a sucker. "Want one,Otou-san?"

Orochimaru sighed and rufffled her hair. "No thanks, you keepit Rin." She nodded putting it back in her bag.

"What the fuck is going on in here?!"

"Hidan watch your mouth!" Kabuto snapped, Orochimaru hadbeen a little too slow to cover her ears.

"Fuck you, Kabuto!" Orochimaru's anger quickly returnedas he had his hands over his daughter's ears.

"Hidan, Rin-chan doesn't need to hear such language."Kakuzu growled from behind the Jashinist.

Hidan glared at his partner, then at the small Orochimaru clonethat was looking up at him with large gold snake eyes, the sucker inher mouth making her cheek round like a chipmunk's.

He frowned trying to keep a straight face as her eyes seemed toglow in the light. "Hidan-sama..." He gritted his teeth andturned away from her gaze.

"Fuck." He pushed past his partner and left the room.

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