Chapter 21

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Rin walked into the arena with a sigh, Kakashi was still trainingSasuke, she just hoped they didn't show up too late, she joined theother genin in the battle area below the large crowd. She had hercloak on, though she knew it would probably be trashed by the end ofher fight, she didn't feel like letting the other villagers mistakeher for her Otou-san.

Her gaze fell on her still slung up arm, damn medics claimingshe'd be healed by the time the third Exam began , she'd almostkilled the one who had checked on her that morning.

"Hey stop looking around and face the customers." Rin'sgaze narrowed as she stared at the new examiner. "In this maintournament, you guys are the stars."

Rin bit her lip as she recognized her Otou-san disguised as theKazekage.

"Thanks everyone for coming to the hidden Leaf chuninselection exam!" The Hokage started. "We will now start themain tournament matches.. Between the 9 participants who made itthrough the preliminaries. Please stay and watch until the end!!"

"Okay, there's something I'd like to tell you before thematches. Look at this." The examiner held up a sheet saying whoeveryone would be facing.

Rin's gaze narrowed. "WHy am I being put up against an anbu?"She asked looking at the man, she recognize the name Sesh as a manlabeled as an anbu on her information scroll.

The examiner smiled. "Since your original opponent died,Hokage-sama chose him specially for you." He teased. Theravenette frowned sending a hidden glare toward the old man and gavehim the middle finger.

The Hokage smirked, but the man beside him's eyes narrowed,thinking it was him she was sending it to.

"Check once again to see who you're fighting." Hewarned.

Rin smiled as Naruto asked about Sasuke.

"Alright guys, this is the final test. The arena is differentbut the rules are the same as in the prelims, there are none. Youfight until one of you dies or acknowledges defeat. But if Idetermine that the fight is over.. I'll step in and stop it. You gotthat?" The jounin asked.

When no one spoke he continued. "Now, first fight, UzumakiNaruto vs. Hyuuga Neji. those two stay here, while the rest go to thewaiting room."

Rin hugged Naruto. "You're gonna win this, good luck."She whispered before following the others.

Naruto smirked and gave her a thumbs up, a blush on his cheeks."I'll win this for sure! Just you watch Rin-sensei! Dattebayo!"He called after her.

Rin sighed sitting in the corner of the waiting room, she couldsee Naruto and Neji's chakra forming their bodies, she didn't need tobe near the railing.

"Rin-san, don't you want to watch?" Shikamaru askedlooking at the ravenette hidden under her cloak.

"I am watching." She replied. The genin looked at herconfused. "Naruto just used the kage bunshin no jutsu."

Shikamaru crouched infront of her. "How can you tell?"

She smiled, "that's my secret, now they're going to attackNeji." Shikamaru looked to see what Rin said was correct. Hewondered if it was possible for her to read minds.

Rin jumped up and was at the railing in a sudden movement,Shikamaru didn't even see her move till she was at the railing.

"NARUTO-KUN, KICK THAT BASTARD'S ASS!!!" She screamed atthe blonde. Naruto smirked and nodded to her before attacking again.

Rin smiled as she watched the fight, there was no way Naruto wouldlose to a Hyuuga. She tensed trying to contain herself as she sensedthe nine tails chakra. She started to shake trying to stay calm."Damn that demon fox and his chakra..." She muttered lowenough so no one else heard her.

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