Chapter 10

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"Are you alright, Sensei?" Kakashi looked at the womanbefore him, Tazuna's daughter Tsunami.

"Hai... I just can't move for a week or so.."

"WHat? The sharingan is incredible.. but.." Sakuralooked at the jounin, "if it puts that much stress on the body,I guess you have to think before using it."

Rin sighed from the other side of Kakashi, her cloak stillcovering her face. She had a chain around her left rist that ended onthe wall, this was his plan to keep her from running off. She wouldhave just broken the wall, but then she met Tsunami, she wasn'tplanning on getting on the woman's bad side.


"Hey I wonder what Kakashi's face looks like.." Narutomuttered.

Rin groaned turning away from the group. She was trying to get theimage of Kakashi's face out of her mind as it was only causing her toblush.

"Have you seen it Rin-sensei?" Sakura asked sitting bythe chained ravenette.

"Yeah..." The woman mumbled pulling her hood fursterover her face.

"Was it ugly, scarred?" She asked.

"It was normal." Rin lied, his face was anything butnormal. It was carved by angels

"I bet it's scarred." Naruto said, Rin could just seethe two leaning over to take hold of his mask when Kakashi's eye flewopen.

"KYAA!!!!!" Naruto and Sakura screamed as they fellback.

"Oh, Kakashi-sensei, you're awake." Tsunami smiled.

Kakashi sat up slowly his mind deep in thought.

"What's wrong sensei?" Naruto asked.

Kakashi explained how usually a nin would dispose of the body onthe kill sight and the weapons he used to kill Zabuza.

"No way.." Sasuke uttered.

"Most likely.. Zabuza is alive!" Kakashi stated. Rinscrubbed the floor by her prison spot as she tried to block out theannoying voices.

"That's not fun." Rin looked up to see a young boy,younger than the genin.

"WHo the hell are you?!" Naruto yelled.

"Oh!! Inari! Where were you?!" Tazuna asked.

"Welcome back Ojii-san." He said going up to the man andhugging him.

"Inari, say hello to these people, they're ninja who areprotecting Ojii-san." Tsunami said.

The boy just looked at them. "Okaa-san, they are going todie." He said looking at the woman. "There's no way you canwin against gatou."

Sakura had to hold Naruto back to keep him from killing the boy.

He yelled at Inari and only got more ticked when he said there areno heros.

Rin frowned and looked at Kakashi with her death glare, though hecouldn't see it, she had yet to speak to him since his battle withZabuza. "Rin-"

She cut him off. "I'm the enemy, don't talk to me." Shehissed.

Kakashi bit the inside of his cheek, he hadn't meant to say that,it was a life or death situation, Naruto and Sasuke could have died,and he didn't even trust her enough to try to help them.

She turned away from him glaring at the wall as she scrubbed it."Rin, I didn't mean it."

"Why should I trust you when you don't even trust me?"She challenged not looking at him. "And I wasn't lying backthere. I really was thinking of joining Konoha."

Kakashi grimaced at her statement. "I'm sorry. I reallydidn't mean it, I just didn't want to see them get killed."

"You didn't trust me to save them." She hissed herscrubbing becoming more erratic, "I used my wind release, justto stop them from getting swept away by the water."

The jounin looked at her. "I'm glad you were there, Rin."The ravenette glanced over just barely able to see his charcoal orbglistening.

"Kakashi?" Her hand stopped scrubbing the wall as sherealized the others had all left the room, had Kakashi sent them out?She wondered, she was brought from her thoughts as she felt his handon her cheek.

She was about to hit him when he held her hand that wasn't chainedto the wall. "I'm not gonna hurt you." He said calmly, Rinfelt her cheeks burn as he stroked her cheek with his thumb. His handthat was stopping her's from hitting him relaxed as it traveled toher shoulder.

Rin felt him apply a little pressure to her lower neck, wantingher to move forward. She tensed but, his strokes on her cheek seemedto take that away. She slowly allowed him to pull her down, thoughshe was still a little on edge.

Kakashi's hand on her neck left and he went to pull his mask down,Rin's blush spead to her ears as she saw his face uncovered, he thenpulled her hood back so he could meet her gaze. "Rin.."

Said ravenette looked up into his eye, it was mesmerizing."..Kakashi.." His left hand went to her back pulling herdown in a way. Rin tried to keep herself propped up but Kakashi hadother plans.

She gave a slight gasp as she slipped falling against his chest.Her eyes went wide as she was now less than an inch or two away fromhim, if she moved just a bit their lips would be touching.

The hand, that kakashi had kept stroking her cheek to keep herfrom freaking out, traveled to the back of her head. Pulling her inthat last inch. Rin's eyes went wide as her lips met his.

Kakashi held her in place as she attempted to move away. After amoment he loosened his grip fully accepting the slap that came to himbefore the ravenette moved as far from him as her chain would allow.

The jounin glanced at her from where he lay, She was shaking inthe corner. He felt his cheek and was sure it had a bright red handprint on it. "Rin?" She gave him no sign that she had evenheard him.

He pulled his mask back up, he wasn't sure whether the ravenettewas in shock or angered by his actions. He could only imagine whatwas going through her head right then.

A man who had called her the enemy kissing her out of nowhere,probably her first kiss. She was raised away from society, so hedoubted anything close to this had ever happened before.

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