Chapter 3

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"Kabuto-nii?" Said medic looked down to see his Master'sraven haired daughter. She looked scared.

"Yes, Rin-chan?"

She was playing with the obi of her kimono, her eyes on theground. "Do you think Otou-san would get mad if Nazo ate one ofhis yukata?" She asked quietly.

Kabuto rose a brow at her. "Which one did he eat?"

"The blue one with purple lining and such..." She saidquietly. Kabuto looked past her to see Nazo, the large grey snake wastrying to comfort it's summoner, it's red eyes filled with sympathy.

Rin reached back, petting the top of Nazo's head. "I don'tthink it'll bother him too much.. He has more than one."

She nodded and turned to Nazo fully with a smile on her lips."Don't worry Nazo, Otou-san won't be mad." She soothedkissing the top of his head. Kabuto looked at her slightly surprised,that was perhaps the most intimate act he had seen any summoner everhave with their summoning.

"Yes, Rin-sama." Even Orochimaru himself, did not treathis snakes so well, though here Rin and Nazo were, uneffected asthough it was a normal thing. Rin climbed onto the snakes back herarms wound around it. "To the training area!" She declared,the snake did as she asked without question.

Kabuto followed her out into the hall just in time to see a fewmembers get caught in the large snake's path, Nazo was maybe 3 feetaround, so he still managed to push Hidan and kakuzu against thewall.

"Sorry, Hidan-sama, Kakuzu-san!" Rin called over hershoulder disappearing into the dark halls.

"Fuck. Rin-chan! Why don't you fucking walk like the rest ofus!?!?" Hidan yelled after her.

"Where's the fucking fun in that!?!?" They heard heryell back. Kabuto's eyes went wide.

"Hidan!" He snapped, the Jashinist looked at him with anervous smile. "Stop cursing infront of Rin-chan!!!"

He chuckled. "Too late, Kabuto.."

"If Orochimaru-sama hears her, you'll be killed." Themedic growled walking up to the two men.

"I think Rin-chan knows not to say it infront of him."Kabuto gave him an unconvinced look. "By the way Kabuto, aren'tyou supposed to be baby sitting her?" Hidan's voice changed to ateasing manner.

Kabuto clenched his fist glaring at the Zombie duo. Kakuzu waslooking at him with amuzement in his pink and green eyes. They alwaystreated him like he was dirt. Hidan smirked. "You better fuckinghurry or you'll fucking lose her."

Kabuto growled as he stomped past them, it was a wonder howOrochimaru could handle them. When he got to the training area therewas no sign of the raven haired girl.

"Rin-chan!" He called out hoping she might reply. Nosuch luck came to him though, He saw Sasori, but no snake sannin'sdaughter.

"Kabuto, where's Rin-chan?" The man nearly jumped twofeet off the ground, when he looked to see it was only Kisame heheaved a sigh of relief, he didn't want to deal with Orochimaru atthis point.

"I don't know. I was just looking for her." Kabutomuttered. Kisame smirked and glanced past his head.

"Oi, Rin-chan! Wanna go to the market with me?" Kabuto'shead whipped around to see said girl still riding Nazo, though nowshe had some scratched and her hair looked windblown.

"OKAY!!!" She hopped off Nazo and gave him a hug. "I'llsummon you later." She told him.

"Yes Rin-sama." He hissed before vanishing in a cloud ofsmoke.

"Am I the only one thinking Rin-chan is too close to Nazo?"Kisame asked.

Kabuto smiled, so it wasn't just him who thought so. "No, I'msure everyone thinks so." He muttered.

Rin skipped over to Kisame and took his hand into her's. "I'mready, Kisame-kun!" She grinned. Kisame and Kabuto exchanged aglance before the shark lead the girl away.

"Rin-chan, see anything you want?" Kisame asked as theyentered a weapons shop in a near by village. Rin looked at thedifferent weapons, her eyes traveled along the different racks.

Swords, kunais, shuriken, needles, paper bombs, knives, andscrolls. Rin glanced back up at Kisame who was eyeing her curiously."No. Otou-san keeps me well supplied." She said quietly.

Kisame nodded as they left the store. He looked at some of theother stores they were passing. He looked at the raven beside him,she was looking at the small market around her, very few people wereoutside the shops.

The shark sighed gripping her hand a little tighter. If she weresomeone else's daughter, she'd probably be on some mission forwhatever village, or maybe even out with some friends.

But instead of normal friends, she had a bunch of S-rankcriminals. Only one he could see coming close to a normal friend wasTobi, maybe if the kid was on drugs. Kisame sighed, Orochimaru surewasn't the ideal Otou-san either, always having Rin train or whatever.

Yes, he did baby her, alot, but she needed more than that. Sheneeded a real Okaa-san too, not Konan or even Kabuto. Orochimaru hadtold them nothing of Rin's birth Okaa-san, besides that she had died.

Pain had voiced his suspicions, after finding out about Rin's'Mind's Eye of the Kagura' technique, claiming she had to be somehowrelated to the Uzumaki clan. Orochimaru neither denied nor approvedthe accusation.

"Kisame-kun, are you ok?" He was pulled from histhoughts by the Sannin's daughter, leading him to realize he had beenstanding outside the base for about ten minutes.

He pulled a smile and ruffled her hair. "I'm fine, Rin-chan."He replied before opening the cave. They walked past the large statuewhere the two could see Pain speaking with a few of the othermembers.

Kisame smiled when Rin waved at them, even though they were deepin conversation, Orochimaru still managed a smile and a wave.

"Rin-chan, why don't you go on, I'm gonna see what's goingon." Kisame told her.

The Ravenette nodded and skipped towards the more homely part ofthe base, bringing herself to her bedroom, it was between Itachi'sroom and Orochimaru's. Though she hardly ever used it since shefavored sleeping in with her Otou-san more. Even if he didn't go tobed till late in the night.

She opened the door, to see her plain room. Dresser, bed,nightstand, desk, and a door leading to a bathroom. Not too much. Herdesk had all her weapons laid out on top of it.

Her dresser was filled with her everyday wear of shorts, tangtops, fishnet, and kimonos, or her training clothes long sleeved greyshirts that stop above her stomach, and navy blue slacks.. Scrollscovered most of her bed, as Kabuto had been trying to teach herMystical Palm Technique, though he had so far been failingmiserabley.

Since Rin neither cared or wanted to learn it. She found no needto learn the healing ninjutsu, since Kabuto was always there if sheor someone got hurt. But that did not make the silver haired nin giveup, he still tried his hardest.

Rin glanced at the scrolls, she kinda wanted to master it just soKabuto would stop bothering her about it. She looked at the scrollsand found herself grimacing, how did he expect her to learn somethingso boring?

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