Chapter 20

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----15 DAYS LATER----

Kakashi gritted his teeth as he climbed the side of a cliff.

"Why don't you just walk up? It's far easier than doingthat." The jounin's gaze went to the woman standing vertical onthe cliff next to him.

"Rin, challenging your skill is better than showing off."He muttered, just then he slipped and had to force himself upgrabbing a more secure ledge with his right hand, his left behind hisback.


Rin smirked see the Uchiha at the top, She waved walking up tostand next to him. Kakashi frowned. "Heh... So you're finallyhere."

The raven nodded, Rin sighed as Kakashi explained a technique hewas going to teach the two of them. She didn't see why she needed tolearn it since she had plenty of techniques that could kill the enemyin seconds.

Sasuke still wasn't really talking to her, Rin was sure Sakura hadtold him that the man they had met in the forest of death was herOtou-san.

Kakashi smirked at her as he explained the general practice toSasuke. She focused chakra to her left hand not even using her righthand to put more chackra into it, since she still couldn't move it.She had already been learning how to master the chidori for almosttwo weeks.

"Rin, I think it wou-" Kakashi cut himself off as theravenette's hand started to spark and the chakra became visible. Shedidn't look at him, she recognized the chidori looking almostexactlly the same as Kakashi in his fight with Zabuza.

She forced it into a boulder causing a hole to go right throughit. She felt Kakashi pat her on the back. "Incredible, well doneRin." He praised, his eyes glowed in admiration.

Sasuke scoffed turning away from them. "Beginners luck."He grumbled. Rin and the jounin exchanged a glance. They both knewshe wasn't a beginner.

"Is that the only technique you wanted to teach me?" Rinasked as Kakashi had a clone instruct Sasuke.

"The only one I planned on." Kakashi muttered.

Rin nodded. He smirked casting a glance toward his clone and theUchiha, they weren't looking this way. He pulled down his mask andturned her around so her lips met his. He felt her relax and smirked,she may say she doesn't want to be his, but when their lips met shedid nothing to fight. She was practically his now. She just needed toadmit it.

He pulled his mask back up after breaking the kiss, Rin's cheekswere cherry red as she stared at anything but him. "Work on yourchakra control, it'll help with the technique that builds offChidori." He said going over to Sasuke.


Rin sighed as she walked back to Kakashi's house, she wasn't aboutto sleep outside or train all night. Kakashi didn't seem to think herchakra control was ready yet and had told her to return to thevillage.

"Jiraiya, what are you doing out so late?" She asked asshe felt the man's chakra behind her.

"I could ask you the same, Rin, where's your jounin escort?"The old man asked coming to walk next to her.

She shoved her left hand in her pocket. "Ojii-chan told youabout that?" When the man nodded she sighed. "He's teachingthe Uchiha brat, Sent me home early, besides if I pass the chuninexams, Ojii-san promised to make me a chunin of Konoha."

Jiraiya looked at her slightly shocked. "You don't plan ongoing back to Orochimaru?"

Rin looked down at her feet as she walked, she wanted to go backwith her Otou-san, but at the same time she wanted to stay in thevillage with Kakashi and team seven. She wanted to help them whenSasuke goes to find her Otou-san.

"Rin?" Jiraiya pressed, he didn't want her to causeNaruto any pain, the blonde talked about his sensei often and therelationship everyone had rumored they were in, he said it was whathe imagined his Okaa-san and Otou-san would be like.

"I don't know..." SHe said quietly. "Otou-san wantsme back... but Kaka-" She cut herself off. "Nothing. I justdon't know.."

Jiraiya placed a hand on her left shoulder, careful not to touchher still punctured one.. "Well if the rumors I hear from Narutoand the jounin are true, I'm sure Kakashi would want you to stay."

Rin blushed profusely. "Jiraiya, it was one night. We wereboth drunk. It's one sided, I bare no feelings for the man, asidefrom some respect, he is an enemy and friend." She said.

Jiraiya shook his head. "Stop fighting it Rin, everyone knowsyou love him just as much as he loves you, the only reason youhaven't accepted these feelings is because you're afraid of whatyour Otou-san will do if he finds out." The Sannin told her, shelooked up at him.

"Otou-san would kill anyone who even looked at me like that."She said, her thoughts went to Hidan, Orochimaru would have killedhim had he not been immortal.

"Well you're not a kid anymore, you can make your ownchoices." Her Otou-san's old teammate replied.

She shook her head. "You don't get it, Otou-san controlseverything."

"If you stay here then he wont be able to get you."Jiraiya commented, though he knew she wouldn't want to be parted fromher Otou-san.

"I'll make my decision after the chunin exams, I don't wantto think about it right now." The ravenette hissed.

Jiraiya smirked. "You've got a lot of Kazumi in you, even ifOrochimaru's genes won, you got her brains.." Rin froze and senthim a glare. "I never found out how she died, do you know?"He asked looking at the woman.

Rin turned away from him gaze. "Okaa-san died protecting me."Her voice was colder than before.

Jiraiya looked at her slightly shocked and opened his mouth totalk but she cut him off. "Jiraiya, what do you think she wouldtell me to do right now?"

The frog sannin smiled. "I think she'd tell you to followyour heart."

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