Chapter 17

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Kinaru: Hey people! Because of the number of comments on thelast chapter, I've decided to write another chapter today. I hope youenjoy.


Kakashi: Kinaru does not own Naruto, Only Rin.

Kinaru: By the way people!


You've been warned, please wait for the next chapter, if youdon't want to read.


Day 3 of the Second Exam

----Almost Noon----

Rin stared wide eye'd at the silver haired jounin that she hadfound herself hugging instead of a pillow when she woke up. Kakashiwas neither wearing a shirt, his mask, or headband.

Rin didn't even want to look under the covers, as far as she couldtell she was completely unclothed under the blankets, she didn't wantto see if Kakashi was the same. She looked to see that the rest oftheir clothing was scattered across the floor.

She tried to remember the night befores events, but only felt athrobbing head ache. She released the jounin rubbing her head, maybeshe had been hit. Or beat for that matter, her body felt sore, inplaces it shouldn't.

Kakashi slung his arm up around her waist, still alseep, Rinblushed profusely as she was pulled closer to the jounin, his chestpressed tightly to her back. He was just as unclothed as she.

How had Kakashi even ended up next to her? And what the hell hadhappened last night?!?!

----17 hours earlier----

"Oi Kakashi!" Rin frowned under her hood as she heardthe voice of Sarutobi Asuma. All the genin's sensei were in thecafeteria where her and Kakashi were at the moment. "What do yousay to a poker game?"

The ravenette, beside the jounin,'s frown deepened at the game.She remembered being tricked into playing when she was younger, herOtou-san had almost murdered Kakuzu and Hidan.

"Sure, who else is playing?" The jounin asked much toRin's silent protest.

Asuma smirked. "Anko, Kurenai, Gai, Ibiki, and we're tryingto get Iruka to play."

Kakashi smiled. "Sounds like a challenging game." Hechuckled getting up. Rin got up with him, though the siver hairedjounin had to help support her, her leg was healing but Kakashi wassure something was wrong with the wound.

"We're gathering in the sitting room." Asuma explainedas the two followed him.

Kakashi looked to see Rin was frowning, he sighed, she probablydidn't want to have a run in with Ibiki, he knew the man wanted toget inside her brain and find out all her secrets.

Asuma glanced over his shoulder, Kakashi and Rin were a good tenfeet behind him, he rose a brow seeing that the ravenette waslimping. "Hurt yourself during the exam, Rin?"

She huffed though she didn't deny it.

Kakashi sat her down beside him, Gai's eyes shown as he stared atthe two before sitting beside Kakashi. "My what youth, Kakashi!My eternal rival! Who is this creature that possesses suchyouthfulness!?" He demanded.

The silver haired jounin sighed as Kurenai, Anko, and Iruka alsowaited for him to reply. Rin leaned against Kakashi, slightly hidingherself from view. "I was sure Hokage-sama would have informedyou already Gai. This is Yakushi Rin, she's the addition to my team."

The jounin and chunin seemed slightly disappointed with hisintroduction. Anko got up and crouched right in front of the girl."This bitch finished my exam in 108 minutes!?!?! I don't believeit!!" She yelled.

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