Chapter 30

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---Three months after birth---

Rin smiled softly as she sat on the carpet covered floor of her living room. Her son was only a few feet away from her, being held by Hidan, the jashin was reading one of the children's stories Rin had gotten from Tsunami.

Though Yuuki didn't seem to be paying any attention to the jashin, he was more focused on the necklace hanging down right over the man's chest.

The ravenette on the floor, could see the annoyance in the jashin's gaze as he had to pause and remove it from the infant's mouth every few minutes. "Hidan let me take Yuuki, it looks like you need a break." She offered, reaching out to take her son.

If it wasn't for the fact that Rin was the child's okaa-san, Hidan would have refused, but being she was he allowed her to take the boy. Yuuki cooed letting himself be embraced by his okaa-san.

Hidan let out a small sigh of relief as he gave the ravenette the book. He watched as Rin continued off where he had been in the story, he shook his head as he left the room, going to the kitchen.

"Giving up already?" The jashinist frowned looking to see Itachi. They were rivals in the silver haired man's eyes. But to Itachi it was just a game of keeping Rin safe.

The Uchiha had already threatened him that if anything happened to Rin or her son, he would personaly punish Hidan. The jashin hadn't been affected by it though, as he was immortal and claimed anything Itachi tried to do to him would not work.

"Shut up.."

Itachi smirked sipping his tea silently. "I wonder how much longer Rin will stay here." He said to himself, not even caring if the other man heard.

"What do you mean? She's not leaving!" Hidan snapped. "SHe's staying here where she's safe and protected!"

"She would be safe and protected in Konoha too." The Uchiha replied, ignoring the new volume to the Jashinist's voice.

Hidan clenched his fist. "Yeah right! They couldn't protect her from Orochimaru, even if they knew his plan of attack and saw him coming!"

Itachi sighed, placing down his now empty cup of tea, that's no different than us, Hidan, the only reason Orochimaru hasn't found her yet, is because we've kept any word of knowing Rin's location secret."

The Uchiha walked past the other Akatsuki member, not even waiting for a reply, he made his way to where the Okaa-san and her child were.

"Itachi-nii." The ravenette looked up the moment he entered the room. He smiled softly joining her on the floor.

"Are you two enjoying yourselves?" He asked teasingly, Rin nodded, a large grin on her face.

"Hai! I'm reading to Yuuki." She said, Itachi chuckled looking down at the book she was reading. There were three little kittens on it's front. He'd never read the child book, but Rin seemed to like it. Though he couldn't say the same for her son, Yuuki was more interested in the man who was now sitting near him, more specifically his necklace.

Itachi saw this, even if he was Rin's son, there was no way he would be letting the child play with his necklace. The infant began to wine, reaching out to the man, this caused a frown to form on the Uchiha's face, the child was playing dirty.

His Okaa-san gave him a sympathetic look. "Itachi-nii?" She didn't have to say anymore as the man let out a single annoyed sigh and allowed her to give him the child. He now understood Hidan's feelings toward the child.

The moment his necklace was in reach, Yuuki grabbed in gurggling loudly, Rin had trouble not laughing at the look that came to the Uchiha's face. She and her son seemed to be the only ones having fun.

----Time Skip----

(Maybe six monthes, not too big a skip)

Damn that snake.

Sasuke clenched his fist as he made his way through the forest in the Country of Fire. It wasn't his fault that the man couldn't find his daughter and possible grandchild. There was no reason for him to be searching for the kunoichi.

But apparently his former sensei's Otou-san thought otherwise. Sasuke had never been close to Rin, they had talked maybe a few times and had a lot of arguements, but that didn't mean he knew where she would be hiding.

He could only think of places they had gone while they were together on team seven. his first though was going to Nekobaa's, since when they had gone to get Nekomata's paw print, Rin and Nekobaa had gotten along rather well.

Though that trip had turned up fruitless as the old woman had claimed she hadn't seen the ravenette since that mission. Sasuke growled as he realized Rin might just be in the mist. She had gotten along with Tsunami when they were there, perhaps the two women had met up again.

He used the same trail that he had used with team seven to get there. When he did find the kunoichi he'd hit her just for causing so much trouble. Then again, when he thought of doing that, he recalled the times when he had been unable to lay a hand on her.

As he neared the Wave Country, memories of their mission in the land of waves came to mind. When they fought Zabuza and Haku, Rin had known them before the mission, he had learned later on, she had been like a mother to Haku for the few weeks she was with them.

Sasuke frowned, remembering when the kunoichi had risked her life to protect them from Haku's needle attacks. He owed her his life as did Naruto, he didn't like that. He didn't want to owe anyone anything. That would cause trouble.

He ignored the name of the bridge old man Tazuna had built, planning to go straight to the bridge builder's home, Tsunami would tell him if she had seen Rin, that he was sure.

Sasuke stopped in his tracks though, before he even got close to Tazuna's home, he felt a strong source of chakra. The Uchiha turned in the direction, activating his sharingan, he found himself going near where he and Naruto had climbed trees.

He walked past the area, even after so long, there were still a few scratch marks on the two trunks. He shook the memories away, he needed to focus.

The boy came to a stop when he saw the large cone shaped structure. There were more than just a few people inside, he felt a familiar feeling in his gut that made him want to leave, but drew closer. He moved up into the trees near it so he could see what was inside.

His eyes went wide as he saw an infant napping in it's crib, the child had a thin layer of silver hair that looked all too familiar with it's gravity defying look. But the child wasn't the only thing he saw, There not far from the crib, being lifted off the ground by a tall dark raven, Sasuke had come to hate, was Rin.

Itachi was twirling her around in the air, she was laughing as his lips moved. Sasuke clenched his fist, he knew he needed to get stronger, but seeing his brother's guard down made him want to attack. There was another man in the room, sitting on the edge of the bed to the side, he had silver hair and violet eyes.

He was dressed similar to his brother, in black sweatpants and fishnet, though he was missing his shirt. He too seemed to be laughing, but Sasuke could see he was slightly irritated.

Sasuke moved a little closer, it almost reminded him of when Naruto had hand cuffed Rin and Kakashi together and they had been spying, they hadn't been able to hear through the glass then either.

He saw the adults suddenly tense, He looked to see his brother was looking right back at him, his presence had been discovered, Rin had also turned to look, her eyes went wide as she saw Itachi's younger brother standing in the trees.

The young raven frowned, giving one final glance to the infant and it's Okaa-san, he vanished, leaving a leaf in his place.


Kinaru: DUN DUN DUN!!!!!

So I don't own Naruto, If I did I would so have written things differently.


Hey People I know it's short, and I know it's been a long time. I am so so so so sorry for making all of you wait! I've just been really busy with school and my surgery is coming up soon, so I have to get ready for that.

But please don't hate me if I don't upload for a long time again, I will try to upload quickly, but I can make no promises on when I will be uploading again.

Please stay with me and be patient, and please vote and review. I'll hopefully upload soon.


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