Chapter 28

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Kinaru: hey everyone, I'm sorry to say this but, chances are this will be the only update before Christmas. But to make up for it I'm gonna make this one extra good!


Kakashi: So.. Kina doesn't own Naruto, and Rin belongs to me.

Sakura: and the baby!


"Rin-chan! Picture time, un!" The ravenette sighed as she looked up at Deidara and Tsunami. She could hardly stand and they expected her to get up and take a photo, now nine months pregnant.

"Deidara, I'm going to need help standing." She said matter-of-factly. The blonde chuckled and helped lift her onto her feet. He kept his arms around her as they moved to the spot where Rin would need to stand.

"Fuck.. Kakashi be happy I'm willing to continue these fucking pictures." Rin hissed as she pulled her shirt up to reveal her swollen stomach.

Deidara chuckled and released her long enough for Tsunami to take the picture. He quickly held her again after Tsunami gave him an ok. Rin sighed. "If Yuuki get's any bigger, I'm gonna have to be sitting for the next fucking picture.." She grumbled.

The akatsuki member chuckled as he helped Rin back to her bed. Rin suddenly froze, her cheeks going red as a tomato. "Rin-cha-.." Deidara broke off seeing liquid.

"Ts-tsunami!" He all but yelled. The older woman joined him by the bed. Her eyes went wide with realization.

"Deidara, go get towels from the bathroom, get them all." She ordered as Deidara left Rin in her hands. Rin looked up at the woman with wide eyes.

"Rin, how are you feeling?" Tsunami asked as she moved Rin around to the other side of the bed.

"Ts-tsunami.. I-is my.." "Yes." The woman cut her off as she let Rin sit on the bed. "Now how are you feeling?"

She saw Rin wince, her hands going to her stomach.

"Should I send for Konan, un?" Deidara had returned from the bathroom with as many towels as he could carry. He placed them near Rin, putting a few on where her water had broken.

"Yes. She's going into labor." Tsunami hissed. Rin's eyes went wide, she'd never heard Tsunami use a harsh tone. Deidara left the room quickly, Rin had seen his hand chewing, he must have been planning to sent a bird to get them.


About a month later, in the Land of Fire, village of Konohagakure. A certain jounin found himself unable to consentrate on his training.

Kakashi sighed as he looked up to the sky. Tsunade had estimated that Rin would be due in less than a week. The jounin hated that the ravenette had left, leaving him all alone while she raised their child elsewhere.

He shook his head as he left the grounds. None of the other countries had heard or seen the kunoichi, she was staying well hidden. Kakashi wondered if she had friends now, or at least someone to help her at this time.

He went back to his apartment, anger coursing through his vains, there had been no sign of Rin anywhere, she wasn't even leaving a trail, she'd left right before the rain had come.

The man picked up the picture they had used to show people what Rin looked liked. They had been standing right ouside the training grounds.

Sakura had thought it nesessary that they have a photo of them together to look back on. He looked out the window, for all he knew, she could be in labor at that very moment.

Kakashi went to his room, Rin had only left her headband, he'd even found that some of his shirts were missing. He picked up her headband with a sigh, she hadn't scratched through it, so she wasn't labeled a rogue, just a missing-nin.

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