Chapter 7

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"Oi, Kakashi, this isn't fare! why do I have to fucking helpyou with those brats!?" Rin complained when they got home.

"I can't leave you here, and Rin, get a hold of yourself, youwont be able to clean the training grounds no matter how hard youtry." Kakashi told her as he sat on the couch.

"Well it's not like I want to be this way! I just need to beable to control my life! I like things clean and organized!" Rinsnapped, her hands curled into fist.

"Well you can't control everything! You're going to have tolive with it!" He yelled.

"I'm trying! But it's not as easy as it sounds!" Rinhissed.

Kakashi glared down at her, she was polishing the already polishedcoffee table. "This is you trying? Rin you've cleaned that tablethree times now! It's clean enough!" He snapped grabbing bothher hands.

The Ravenette glared at him with pure hatred, but there was a hintof sorrow. Her eyes were glistening and Kakashi was sure that if shewasn't so stubborn she'd be crying her eyes out.

The silver haired nin pulled her close, her head rested on hisshoulder as he held her as close as he could get her. Though she didstruggle at first. "Sorry Rin, it's partly my fault you're likethis... Since your OCD worsens under stress." He mumbled. "It'sokay to let it out, you can cry."

Rin hiccuped as she tried to keep her tears contained. "Letit out, you'll feel better." He told her.

"F-fucking pervert.." She cursed as she started to crybut managed to keep herself silent aside from the occasional hiccup.

Kakashi rubbed her back in soothing circles as he slowly loweredthem onto the loveseat. Kakashi sighed as he adjusted to make himselfa little more comfortable, though the way Rin was now positioned onhis lap was uncomfortable enough..

Kakashi glanced down at her, he wondered if she ever let heremotions out, or if her Otou-san even allowed her to. His eyesnarrowed, he had heard very little about Orochimaru that was good,this brought him to wonder if he even treated Rin like a daughter.

"So that's where the fucking smell comes from.."

Kakashi looked to see her looking at his shirt. "What?"

"Your pillow smells like you.." She muttered. Kakashitried not to chuckle as he loosened his grip on her. "Oh."Rin let out a sigh and went to get out of his arms, but Kakashi'sgrip tightened.

He met her confused gaze, with a sturn look in his eye. "Rin,was Orochimaru kind to you?"

His eye went wide as her right hand collided with his maskedcheek. "You don't know anything Copy-cat!!!! Otou-san was thebest, anyone would be lucky to just know him!" She snapped andripped herself out of his grip.

Kakashi cursed under his breath as she vanished into the hall. Heshook his head as he stood, she was probably going to be cleaning hisroom for the next ten hours.

He got to his feet and went to his bedroom door. "Rin?"He knocked gently, he could hear his sniffling from the otherside."Rin?" He peaked inside to see her scrubbing the floor.


"Go away fucker!" She hissed as her pressure on thebrush intensified. Kakashi sweatdropped as he went to crouch besideher.

"I'm sorry Rin, everything I've heard about Orochimaru makeshim out to be evil." He explained.

"Otou-san's not evil. He's only misunderstood, Otou-san is agreat shinobi. He takes good care of Rin... Even when he's sick heput's Rin's needs first." She muttered talking in third person,this made her sound more like a five year old than a twenty year old.

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