Chapter 6

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Kakashi smirked as he looked at the mass before him. For someonewho was OCD Rin was a complete mess.

She was still hugging his pillow, her face buried in it while herraven locks were tangled from her excessive tossing and turning. Hershirt was riding up so he could see her flat white stomach, theblankets were under her, but wrapped around her left leg. She lookedkinda like she was doing the splits.

The leg not wrapped in blankets, was pointed up, she was huggingit along with the pillow.

Kakashi wondered how she had accomplished all of this in less thaneight hours and, though he'd never ask, how her skin could be such alight color.

"Rin." He reached out to poke her nose, but she kickedhis hand away before he came too close.

Her bright golden snake eyes met his in a nasty glare, she lefthis gaze to spare a glance at the clock before her gaze returned tohis dark orb. "It's six in the fucking morning..." Shegroaned rolling onto her stomach.

"Rin, it's time you get up." Kakashi ordered, though thedaughter of the Snake sannin did not move. "Rin."

She cast him a glare before sitting up. "I'll fucking killyou one day." She growled picking up her pack, Kakashi watchedas she left his room and went straight into the bathroom.

The ravenette emerged an hour later dressed in a grey and purplekimono, similar to the one she wore the day before. Her long ravenlocks falling over her shoulders, her bangs framing her face.

He glanced over her shoulder to see his bathroom shining, tellinghim most of that hour had been her cleaning.

"Why did you need me up so fucking early, Copy-cat?" Sheasked looking up at the jounin, before she walked past him and wentabout fixing the sheets and blankets on the bed.

"I need to do some things and I can't just leave you here."He replied.

Rin sent him an uneasy look, before she got to her feet and lookedat him.

Kakashi took this as a signal for him to tell her what they weredoing today. "I'm being assigned a team of gennin to train andteach, Hokage-sama will be showing all the team sensei's their teamsand living spaces."

Rin frowned at this new information. "Can I stay? I don'twanna fucking deal with a bunch of brats." She muttered crossingher arms.

Kakashi shook his head and took her hand into his. "No."

Rin frowned yanking her arm free she grabbed her cloak. "Fine,but you're sure as hell not holding my hand!" She growledthrowing it on before she walked past, she pulled her hood over herface.

The silver haired jounin sat beside her as they pulled on theirshoes. "Purple suits you." He muttered, the ravenettedidn't respond and Kakashi had a funny feeling that she was trying tocome up with an insult while blushing.

She stayed silent though he saw her mouth open multiple times onlyto shut itself. He smirked behind his mask.

She hissed when he took her hand into his as they left. "Don'twant anyone coming after you." He joked, though he was sure ifsome shinobi knew who she was they would be after her. Since all ofthem hated her Otou-san, it was only natural they hate her too. Itwas like people hating Naruto for having the kyuubi.

She didn't reply but let him lead her to the meeting room wherethe Hokage sat with all the sensei, watching the newly graduatedgennin. Rin huffed from where she stood a ways from the group, shedidn't care much for what they spoke of, even Sasuke did not make hercurious, her otou-san would be taking him soon enough and when hedid, Rin would go back with him.

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