After Ending - Five Yrs Later

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Yes I know originally I said I wouldn't do an extra chapter, but I kept thinking about Rin's story and felt I needed to give it one final farewell. Plus once the idea was there it just kept nagging me to be written.

That and so many of you wanted either a second book or this. And being that I'm up to my ears in stories at the moment that I need to get back to I chose this.

I hope everyone enjoys, but know that this is just an extra. From here on out the story is officially finished.




"Kakashi-sensei! Rin-sensei!!" The couple looked up in unison to see two of their old students quickly making their way toward them with the third being dragged between them. A fond look washed over both of them as they saw the large smiles on the two leading nin's faces.

"Sasuke-kun passed his test!" Sakura all but squealed, clinging to the raven's right arm.

Naruto nodded excitedly hanging onto their teammate's other arm "He's not allowed to go on missions by himself yet, but he no longer requires an Anbu escort!"

Rin chuckled softly, turning her face just enough to catch her husband's eye. Clearly, the two had forgotten exactly who was standing beside her.

She looked back at the Uchiha to find his gaze was sending a scowl at the ground. It was obvious to the older shinobi that he didn't want to be there, the boy still hadn't forgiven her for dragging him back to Konoha, even if he had accepted that it had been a good thing in the end and she'd been able to convince him of Itachi's right intentions. She bet it was because of the rope and carrying him into the village, there was no way that hadn't bruised his pride in some way shape or form.

"Congratulations, Sasuke," Kakashi said, pretending he hadn't already known the relief on Sasuke's sentence. Of course, he'd known, he'd been the one to stand up for the Uchiha in the council meeting.

Rin's lips twitched as he tried to inconspicuously drape his arm around her shoulders. In the same instant, Sakura tore her gaze away from Sasuke, fixing the silver haired man with a frown.

Rin could see her plans to pick up their son and have the whole family walk home together, for once, vanishing in the pinkette's emerald eyes. "Oi, Kakashi-sensei, shouldn't you be checking over reports?" The younger woman hissed, narrowing her eyes.

The sixth shook his head, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. "I'm a clone, Sakura. The real Kakashi is in his office."

Rin frowned immediately, drawing away from her husband, or should she say husband clone? "You said you left a clone at the office."

The Hokage's hesitated, realizing he'd just dug his own grave, and trying to decide the best way to dig himself back out. "Ah, well, they're both still me..?" He reasoned.

"You promised Yuuki we would go home together." She hissed, her left hand resting dangerously close to the short sword at her hip.

"Ah, Rin-sensei, don't be so hard on him, he's doing what he can to carry out his role as Hokage and spending time with his family." Sakura stepped in, defending her old sensei.

"When is the new baby coming anyway?" Naruto asked, dragging the conversation completely off the older man, as he looked down at the woman's rounded stomach.

"Four more months." Rin replied, suddenly smiling and forgetting that she wasn't with her actual Husband. The team had learned early on that baby talk was the best way to distract the darkette.

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