Chapter 19

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Rin had yet to return back to Kakashi's appartment. The jounin wasgetting worried, usually the ravenette never stayed out past sundown.

He stared outside like a worried parent, though the halls showedno sign of life. He sweatdropped going back inside. He picked up hiscome come paradise, but found himself unable to read it as he waitedon the twenty year old.

She still hadn't said yes or no to his question, though it seemedshe had accepted that they were together when she spoke with Gai. Heruffled his hair trying to think, he wasn't too old for her was he?

It was a six year difference, yes, but that wasn't bad, right?Granted he was already a chunin when she was born, but that didn'tmatter, Rin was stronger than a chunin, she was just never given thechance to test.

His head shot up when the door opened. "Where have youbeen?!" He demanded appearing beside the ravenette.

She looked up at him slightly surprised he was still up, since itwas two in the morning according to his clock on the wall. "Nowhere,and I didn't ask you to wait up on me." She muttered taking offher shoes and hanging up her cloak, all of which she found greatdifficulty in. The ravenette walked past him going into the hall.

Kakashi followed right behind her. "Rin, you haven't given mea straight answer. It's a simple yes or no." He said slammingthe bedroom door shut before she could go in.

Rin paused and glanced up at him. "You don't want to dateme." She stated.

He rose a brow at her, his forehead protector and mask had beentaken off a few hours ago, he had a black t-shirt and his boxers on.She was in her kimono and tang top. Her arm in between the twodifferent cloths "I don't?" He asked.

"No, I'll only cause you trouble, it's best to keep ourrelationship as frienemies." She said using a word Sakura hadused to describe Naruto and Sasuke's relationship.

Kakashi crossed his arms. "Rin, I'm not going to give up onyou, why not be friends with benefits if you wont accept us being acouple?"

Her gaze narrowed and she held her left pointer finger against hiscenter chest to keep him from leaning forward. "No. We arefriends and we are enemies. Nothing more."

Kakashi frowned. "As I said, I'm not giving up." Rin'seyes narrowed as he moved closer forcing her to step back, he wasplanning to corner her. Then he'd most likely go in for a kiss. Ashis hand rose up to cherish her cheek, she dodged to the sideescaping the corner.

"Then you're going to be lonely for a very long time."She hissed going into his bedroom. Kakashi groaned as he heard thedoor lock, when did she find the key? He wondered, then realized theOCD kunoichi cleaned his apartment at least twice a day, of courseshe'd find it.


Kakashi watched with slight yurning as Rin walked into the kitchenthe next morning, it was six, yet she looked unbothered by only fourhours of sleep. She was only in a large deep blue t-shirt, herecognized it as his, this made him wonder if she was perhaps tryingto entice him. Her arm that was to be kept against her chest wasunder it, since Rin had been unable to put it through it's hole, andwas not willing to let Kakashi help her.

"There a problem, Copy-cat?" She asked glancing over hershoulder as she picked up a glass and went to the fridge pressing itagainst the lever that let water fill it.

Kakashi watched her untrustingly. "Rin, are you trying toattract my attention?" He asked meeting her gaze.

She looked down at her attire then back at him. "No, I onlychose to get a drink before I get dressed."

Kakashi slowly nodded as Rin drank her glass of water. His gazewas on her legs, though one was still bandaged, he was desperatelywishing he could remember what her body looked like without theclothing.

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