Chapter 8

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Rin frowned as she and Kakashi walked up to his team. "Goodmornng to you too, fuckers." She hissed.

Kakashi chuckled as she was once again wearing her purplesleeveless cloak over her face, but what she wore underneath wasdifferent. She was wearing a grey long sleeve shirt that stoppedabove her stomach, dark navy blue slacks and her sandals, she had abandage around her left leg, a kunai pouch on her right side of theback of her pants.

Rin actually looked like a ninja, this had caught Kakashi bysurprise that morning when she came out of the bathroom in somethingthat was not night clothes or a kimono.

Kakashi soon explained the survival test of having to get thebells before noon. He also explained that whoever didn't get a bell,wouldn't get lunch and would fail.

Rin grinned when he mentioned that they needed to come at him withkiller intent. She watched as Kakashi pointed Naruto's own kunai tohis back. "I haven't said start yet."

She was sure a smirk formed on his lips. "Hehe, seems likeI'm beginning to like you guys."

Rin looked at him with wide eyes as he tossed her a bell. "Don'tlet them get it!" He called out to her before yelling start. Rinvanished in a puff of smoke appearing a ways away.

This was going to be fun! (note sarcasm) The ravenette frowned asshe used her eyes to see Sasuke hiding a yard away.

"Sasuke, I know you're there." She grumbled, the otherraven seemed slightly shocked as he left his hiding spot walking upto her.

"Fight me." He commanded, going into a battle stance.The woman rose a brow, did this genin really think he could beat her?

The Uchiha lunged forward, but Rin only dodged her hands crossedbehind her back, giving little effort to her movements.

"How pathetic, and you plan on going after Itachi-nii."She muttered. "You don't deserve the honor of killing him."

Sasuke's anger rose as his speed increased with an adrenaline. Rinsmirked seeing he was getting serious. She finally grew bored and didsomething she knew the boy would really hate.

(Can you guess it?)

She poked his forehead sending him back at least three feet."Sorry Sasuke, maybe next time." The Uchiha stared at hercloak covered face in utter shock. He was sure only a selected fewknew his onii had ever done such a movement, or the words he saidwith it.

Yet this woman had called Itachi her Nii, which only made him moreconfused. Rin sighed making a stretching motion.

"I'd love to fucking stay and fight, but there's a soft snakehead with my name on it." She said turning away from him shesummoned Nazo and laid on him.

"Nazo, keep me away from the Uchiha brat, but still in thearea." She mumbled. The snake did as she asked with a glow ofamusement in it's crimson orbs.

Kakashi sighed as he saw the ravenette summon her snake, she wasalmost as lazy as Shikamaru in a sense.

"I see it's over." SHe muttered watching as the threegennin looked at Nazo in awe before she released her summoning jutsu.

"Rin-chan, you're so lazy, you didn't even help me."Kakashi complained, the Ravenette sent him a glare making him turnhis attention back to the Gennin.

"Well... There's no need for you guys to go back to theAcademy." He started, Naruto and Sakura looked ready to burstwith happiness.

"Then! Then!! All three of us...!!!"

"Yep, all three of you should quit as shinobi!" Kakashisaid making all three look at him in shock.

Rin covered her ears to keep from going deaf at the argumentKakashi had just started. It ended in Kakashi pinning Sasuke to theground. Rin smirked was she finally going to get to kill one of them?

Sadly that was not the case as they discussed the answer to thetest. Teamwork. Kakashi sweatdropped part way through his speechabout the memorial stone when he realized a certain ravenette waspolishing it, which was good, but it was kind of killing the mood.

He turned back to his team trying to ignore the cleaning woman. Heexplained that he would give them another chance and that they werenot allowed to feed Naruto.

Kakashi vanished leaving his students to eat while watching Rinclean like her life depended on it. Sakura had already put two andtwo together. But the boys didn't.

"Here" Sasuke offered his food to Naruto.

"Sasuke-kun, sensei just said-.." "Don't worry Idon't sense himhere. After lunch we'll work together and get thebells." Sasuke interrupted the pinkette. "Without foodhe'll just be in the way and that'll hurt us."

Sakura thought a moment before offering her own food to theblonde.

"Arigato" Naruto muttered.

Rin sighed as she finally finished polishing the rock. She couldalmost see her own reflection in it.

"What is this!?!?! You guys...!!" The three gennin jumped as Kakashi appeared clouds all around him. "Pass!"He did a closed eye smile.

When they seemed confused and asked how and why he explained. "Aninja must see underneath the underneath. Those who break the rulesand codes of a ninja are called trash...Those who don't take care oftheir comrades... Are lower than trash."

He grinned and gave them a thumbs up. "All of you pass!Starting tomorrow Team #7 will begin it's duties."

Rin sighed as she walked past Naruto, her face still hidden, shesliced the ropes holding him to the pole. "Fucking idiot."She muttered to Kakashi. "Those who fall behind get leftbehind." She hissed, her words filled completely with venom.

The silver haired jounin looked at her slightly shocked, had whathe said meant nothing to her? The look in her golden snake eyes toldhim he was correct.

He watched the ravenette with sad eyes wondering what had gottenher to think such things.

Kakashi sighed as he realized they were being followed. "CanI fucking kill them now?" Rin growled, she was walking rightbeside him, he could see the sadistic grin that over took her lips.

"No. They're probably curious of their senseis." He toldher.

" 'Senseis'? Since when was I a sensei?!" She hissed,keeping her voice low so the three gennin following wouldn't hear.

"Since I decided." Kakashi glanced at her before lookingat his book.

She scoffed. "Those fucking brats can try all they want, thisfucking sensei's not taking off her hood!" She growled pointingat herself.

"I'm honored that you allow me to see your face."Kakashi teased not looking up from his book. Rin's cheeks flushed asshe stuttered out curses, this only amused the jounin though. "Butif you plan to stick to that, you might want to move before Narutopulls your hood down." He advized.

The ravenette turned on her heel catching the blonde's arm. "Whatthe fuck do you think you're doing brat?" SHe hissed. Narutochuckled nervously as he tried to come up with an excuse, her hoodcast a shadow over her face so he still couldn't see it at theirclose proximity.

"Well.... There was a.... bug, ya a bug and I was gonna shooit away?" He said though the lie was clear as rain.

Rin frowned. "Try to pull my hood off and you'll be missing ahand." SHe hissed releasing him. She turned away from the genninand walked past Kakashi.

The silver haired jounin gave his students a look. "Better doas she says, Naruto. Rin's not exactly an ally to you or me. If shehas the chance, she will kill." He muttered before following theravenette.

"So Rin-san isn't a leaf shinobi?" Sakura wondered outloud.

"She has no headband, it makes sense why she's never outalone." Sasuke muttered as he gazed at the ravenette, shereminded him of an Uchiha, but she seemed much colder and full ofhate.

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