Chapter 22

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Two days after the battle.

Rin stood in the back of the gathered group, she knew she didn'tbelong, it was her Otou-san who had killed the third, her gaze on thethird's grave. She had a leaf headband around her waist. Kakashi hadmade sure she got one from Iruka the day before. She was nowregistered as a chunin of Konohagakure.

She saw the chunin hug Konohamaru, her thoughts went back to herfirst day in the village, Hiruzen was the only one who trusted her.She jumped as a hand took hers. She relaxed seeing Kakashi.

She was slightly sore at him for keeping her unconsious for all ofthe battle, he had argued it was so she wouldn't run off. But Rin wassure it was because he didn't want her to get hurt.

She looked down at her feet, her thoughts on what to say to thejounin to get him away long enough for her to test her theory on whathad been wrong with her all month.

"I'm going to head home.." She said quietly, Kakashinodded but instead of letting her go, he came with her. She tensedbut tried to remain calm.

"Stay inside, I don't want you getting sick." He saidpulling her into an embrace when they reached his apartment door.

"Aren't you coming in?"

He smiled at her confusion shaking his head. "No, I justwanted to make sure you got home safely." He replied.

She nodded, he kissed her lips, when he'd pulled his mask down?She didn't know. "And don't listen to what anyone says, Thehokage's death was not your fault." He said before leaving heralone in the doorway.

Rin stepped into the house thankful the man had gone. Theravenette's mind was too busy to even show a reaction to the kiss,aside from a small blush. She rushed to her bag, she had hidden a box of pregnancytest inside, not wanting Kakashi to find them in the bathroom, she'dgotten them after going shopping a little less than a month ago.

She took two out of the box and rushed to the bathroom. She cameout ten minutes later, she grabbed a third there was no way.

The first test had shown her a negative, but the second saidpositive. She was determined to prove the little test wrong. Therewas no way in hell she was pregnant.

She wrapped the two used ones in toilet paper, no way she wasletting Kakashi find out she'd had suspicions of pregnancy.

Rin's left eye twitched as she stared down at the third test, anevil little red + mark had appeared. "Fuck." Rin threw itin the trash too ticked to hide it, she went to the kitchen.

SHe had to stay calm and to do that she needed to clean. She gotto work first washing the floor, then waxing it. She moved to thelivingroom cleaning both chairs, making sure no spot was unclean.

She moved to the bookshelf, dusting then vacuuming. The ravenettejumped as the door was suddenly opened. Her eyes went wide as theyfell on the silver haired jounin that Asuma and Gai were carrying in.

She dropped the hand held vacuum on the ground. Kurenai followedbehind them.

"K-kakashi?" The older woman placed a hand on hershoulder as the men carried him to his bedroom.

"It's okay, he'll be fine." She said allowing theravenette to follow the men. Kurenai was slightly amaze at how cleanthe place was.

"But it's not funny that he enters a crowded village."Asuma said as Rin rushed in.

"What happened to him?" She demand coming to sit besidehim.

Gai clenched his fist giving her a sad look. "My eternalrival fought-" "He just got put in a genjutsu." Asumaexplained.

Rin nodded brushing Kakashi's bangs from his eyes.

"In this village finding Naruto is pretty simple. Itachiknows Naruto's face." Asuma said to Gai who shushed him.

"Kakashi.." Rin looked up to see Sasuke at the door, hiseyes went wide as he saw the man in bed.

"Why is Kakashi sleeping? Why are the jounin all gatheringhere where he's resting?" Sasuke asked.

"Um, no.. it's not really that." Gai mumbled

"Is the story that Itachi has returned really true? And thathe is chasing Naruto?" A random jounin barged in. The men tensedand Kuranai called him a baka as he realized Sasuke was right there.

Sasuke shoved past him and Rin felt his chakra run to the ramenshop, he was looking for Naruto. Rin looked back at Kakashi, she knewthis genjutsu Itachi had used, she'd once seen him use it on a manthat had tried to attack her.

She bit her lip leaning forward pressing her forehead to his.Tears streamed from her eyes as she cherished his masked cheek."Don't leave me you bastard..." She mouthed as she couldnot find her voice.

She heard Gai say something then leave, the others left Kakashi'sroom, leaving the woman alone with what they thought was herboyfriend. She laid on his chest, her face buried in the crook of hisneck as she stroked his left cheek. "You can't leave me.."

Kurenai shut the door to Kakashi's room with a slight sigh. Shepittied the other ravenette, none of them knew how long Kakashi wouldbe in his coma state. She did a quick stop in the bathroom beforejoined Asuma in the living room.

He smiled seeing her arrive. Though it vanished as he saw theshocked look on her face.

"Kurenai, what's wrong?" He asked.

She looked at him. "There's a pregnancy test in the bathroomgarbage." Asuma rose a brow. "It was tested positive."

"Don't tell me, Rin is pregnant?" He asked equallyshocked, he had had his suspicions of Kakashi and Rin doing 'it' thenight they had played poker, but he didn't expect it would get Rinpregnant.

Kurenai nodded her head. "No other woman lives in this house,or comes here." She said.

Asuma shrugged. "They're together, so it doesn't matter toomuch."

"Did you really believe she'd fall for him when you placedthat bet?" Kurenai asked sitting beside him.

Asuma sighed. "No, I just hoped she would for Kakashi'ssake." He said scooting over enough for her to join him on therecliner.

"I'm shocked she fell so fast, I was thinking maybe a fewmonths after the exams.. But not before they even finished." She said.

"Just shows that love works in mysterious ways." Hechuckled.

"Do you really think what they have is love?"

"If that's not love, I don't know what is." Asumareplied looking at the red eyed woman beside him.

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