Chapter 15

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"Did you enjoy your time with Naruto?" Rin sighed, she'donly just taken her shoes of and the copy-cat was already standingbeside her.

"You could say I did." She muttered hanging up hercloak. Kakashi's arms were crossed.


"Yes, I got to punch a sand genin." She hissed walkingpast him.

He gave her a look of disbelief. "You did what?!"

"I punched a sand genin since he was picking on the brats."He gave her a look saying he wanted to hear the whole story.

Rin groaned and took a seat on the loveseat while he sat on therecliner.

"Konohamaru said some stuff that ticked Sakura off, shechased them, making the brat run into the sand genin, Naruto yelledat him to drop Konohamaru, when he didn't I stepped in because hetripped Naruto with chakra string.

"He got annoyed and teased Naruto for letting his Senseifight for him, then I punched him saying I wasn't a ninja, He grabbedme when Sasuke showed up and hit him with a rock to get him torelease me.

"He called Sasuke my boyfriend saying he was gonna kick hisass, but then this boy Gaara showed up and they left. Then I scoldedSasuke and Naruto-kun when they started arguing about helping me."Rin said quickly. She looked up to see Kakashi's hands clenched intofist.

Rin bit her lip realizing she probably shouldn't have mentionedthe part about the sand genin calling Sasuke her boyfriend. Theravenette yelped as she was suddenly pulled forward, Kakashi washolding her upper arms the same way the boy had and she was sure theyhad bruised from the pulsing pain she felt running through her.

"Rin, where did he hold you?" He growled.

"Where you are now..." She whispered, not wanting toaccidently stutter and appear weak.

Kakashi let go and took her right hand into his as he rolled upher sleeve. Sure enough, there on her upper arm were five bruises onher pale skin making the imprints of fingers. Kakashi growled underhis breath as he went to her other arm pulling that sleeve up toreveal similar bruises.

Kakashi pulled her to the bathroom where he forced her to sit onthe counter. The ravenette looked at him curiously as he filled thesink with warm water and got a washcloth from the shelf.

"You shouldn't have let him touch you.." He muttered ashe genlty dabbed at the bruises, though Rin didn't understand why,they weren't bleeding. He pulled out a first aid kit next, taking outsome bandages, he began wrapping her arm.

"Kakashi, thanks, but it's fine, they're not bleeding, I caneasily heal them." She said, but the jounin ignored her as hewent about wrapping the other arm.

She frowned looking at both arms, he had wrapped from just aboveher elbows to just below her shoulders. "Be more careful."He ordered as he lifted her off the counter. Placing her on thefloor.

"That wasn't neccesary.." She muttered.

Kakashi moved his hand so then they were on her shoulders stoppingRin from leaving the small room. She looked up at him, slightlystressed, her hands were itching to clean.

The jounin's gaze was slightly serious as she looked into his onecharcoal eye. "Rin?" She blinked in response, telling himshe was listening.

"Have your feelings changed?" He asked, though he wasnow looking down, not wanting to see the look on her face. He wasalready fighting the urge to kiss her right then and there.

"No." His grip on her shoulders loosened and theravenette left him there in the bathroom. Kakashi gritted his teethas he placed his hands on the counter, he wasn't going to be able tocontrol himself much longer.

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