A Pond Naravit

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"i just wanna be happy, not confused, not hurt, not stressed, just happy"


The sun was setting over Bangkok, casting a warm, golden hue over the bustling city. On the set of his latest drama, Pond Naravit was wrapping up a particularly intense scene. His co-star, a popular actress named May, approached him as they finished shooting.

"That was an incredible scene, Pond," May said, her eyes filled with admiration. "You really bring so much depth to your character."

Pond gave a polite smile, his eyes reflecting a mix of exhaustion and detachment.

"Thanks, May. Just a lot of practice, I guess."

May laughed, clearly charmed by his modesty. "You always say that, but we all know it's more than just practice. You have a natural talent."

Pond shrugged, maintaining his modest demeanor. "Maybe, but I think everyone on this set is talented. It's a team effort."

May's eyes lingered on him, searching for more. "You know, Pond, you're quite the enigma. You don't socialize much, do you?"

Pond paused, considering his response. "I just like to keep things professional. Focus on the work."

May tilted her head, curiosity evident in her gaze. "Is that why you never really interact with anyone outside of the set? Even at the wrap parties, you're always the first to leave."

Pond chuckled softly, his eyes softening. "I'm not much of a party person. I prefer quiet evenings."

May smiled, a hint of playfulness in her expression. "So, what do you do in your quiet evenings? Read scripts? Watch movies?"

"A bit of both," Pond replied. "Oh— I also enjoy reading books. It helps me unwind."

May leaned in slightly, lowering her voice.

"Is that why you're so unaffected by all the attention? Most people in our industry get caught up in the drama and the spotlight, but you seem immune to it."

Pond looked thoughtful for a moment. "I guess I just don't see the point in getting involved. It complicates things. I prefer to stay focused on what's important."

May nodded, her curiosity still not entirely satisfied. "And what about your co-stars? Don't you ever feel attracted to any of them? You must have had some offers."

Pond's expression remained neutral. "I respect my co-stars, but I don't mix work with personal life. It's better that way."

May sighed, a mix of frustration and admiration in her eyes. "You really are something else, Pond. It's like you're in your own world."

Pond smiled, a faint glimmer of amusement in his eyes.

"Maybe I am. But it works for me."

Before May could continue, the director called for a break, and the crew began to disperse. Pond excused himself and headed to his dressing room, grateful for the brief respite.

Pond entered his dressing room, closing the door behind him. He felt a wave of relief as he sank into the chair in front of the mirror, the silence a welcome respite from the constant demands of the set. He began to meticulously remove his makeup, enjoying the simple, repetitive task that helped him unwind.

A knock on the door broke the quiet, and before Pond could respond, his closest friend in the industry, Joong Archen, bounded into the room. Joong's vibrant energy filled the space, a stark contrast to Pond's calm demeanor.

"Hey, Pond!" Joong exclaimed, throwing himself onto the couch with a dramatic sigh.

"Long day, huh?"

Pond glanced at him in the mirror, a faint smile playing on his lips. "You could say that. How about you? How's the new album coming along?"

Joong waved his hand dismissively. "Same old, same old. But enough about me. I watched you today. You were amazing, as usual."

"Thanks bro," Pond replied, focusing on wiping off the last traces of foundation. "Just doing my job."

Joong sat up, his expression turning serious. "You know, Pond, you're a hard guy to figure out. I've seen you act with some of the most attractive people in the industry, and yet, you never seem interested in any of them. What's up with that?"

Pond paused, setting down the makeup wipe. "I guess I just don't see the point in getting involved. Relationships in this industry can be complicated."

Joong raised an eyebrow. "Complicated? That's an understatement. But come on, not even a little interest? You're surrounded by beautiful people all day."

Pond leaned back in his chair, contemplating his words. "It's not about whether they're attractive or not. I just haven't felt that kind of connection with anyone. It's more about finding someone who understands me beyond the surface."

Joong's eyes softened with understanding. "I get that. It's hard to find genuine connections when everyone's always putting on a show."

Pond nodded.

"Exactly. I don't want to start something that's just based on convenience or appearances. I want something real, something that goes deeper."

Joong leaned back, folding his arms behind his head. "I respect that. It's just... sometimes I worry about you, man. You're so focused on your work, I don't want you to miss out on life."

Pond gave a small, appreciative smile. "Thanks for looking out for me, Joong. But I'm happy with where I am. If something more comes along, great. If not, I'm still doing what I love."

Joong chuckled. "You always were the level-headed one. Remember when we first started out? I was a nervous wreck at auditions, and you were always so calm."

Pond laughed softly, the memory bringing a rare sparkle to his eyes. "I remember. You used to pace around, talking to yourself. But look at you now—successful singer and actor."

Joong grinned. "Yeah, well, we've both come a long way. But seriously, Pond, don't close yourself off too much. Life has a funny way of surprising you when you least expect it."

Pond sighed, nodding. "I'll keep that in mind. But for now, I'm content. The work keeps me grounded."

Joong's expression turned thoughtful. "You know, there's more to life than just work. You deserve to find happiness outside of it too."

Pond looked at his friend, appreciating the concern in his eyes. "I know, Joong. And I'm open to it. But I won't force it. It has to happen naturally."

Joong smiled, clapping him on the shoulder. "Fair enough. Just promise me you'll stay open to the possibilities. You never know what—or who—might come your way."

Pond chuckled. "I promise. Now, enough about me. Tell me more about your album. How's it shaping up?"

Joong's face lit up as he launched into an animated description of his latest project, and Pond listened with genuine interest. Despite their differences, their friendship had always been a source of strength and understanding.

As they talked, Pond felt a sense of contentment. He was grateful for Joong's presence in his life, someone who understood the complexities of the industry and offered unwavering support. For now, that was enough. But as Joong's words lingered in his mind, Pond couldn't help but wonder if there was indeed something—or someone—out there waiting to surprise him.


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