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The past five months had been a whirlwind for Pond and Phuwin. Their friendship had grown deeper, and despite their busy schedules, they managed to stay connected through occasional chats and supportive gestures. With Pond's birthday approaching, his company decided to organize a grand celebration event. It was an important day, not just for Pond, but also for his fans and the people close to him.

P'Tan, Pond's manager, knew how much Phuwin meant to Pond and decided to include him in the birthday event. P'Tan contacted Phuwin, who immediately agreed and started planning a special surprise.

Phuwin's plan began with a small act that had a big impact: he stopped replying to Pond's messages for two days.

Pond, who had grown accustomed to Phuwin's regular check-ins, quickly noticed the silence. He sent multiple messages, trying to reach out, but received no response. His concern grew with each passing hour, affecting his ability to focus on his work. On set, his mind constantly wandered, worrying about Phuwin's condition and whereabouts.

Finally, the day of the birthday event arrived. The venue was filled with fans, friends, and colleagues, all there to celebrate Pond's special day. The atmosphere was lively, with music, decorations, and a sense of anticipation in the air. Pond, dressed in a sleek black suit, made his way through the crowd, greeting guests and thanking everyone for their well-wishes.

As the event progressed, Pond couldn't shake off the worry about Phuwin. He put on a brave face, but those who knew him well could see the concern in his eyes. P'Tan, who was orchestrating the surprise, kept a close watch on Pond, waiting for the perfect moment.

Towards the end of the event, the lights dimmed, and the room grew quiet. The stage was set, and everyone's attention was directed towards it. Suddenly, a soft melody filled the air, and from the backstage, Phuwin emerged, holding a microphone. He was dressed in a stylish outfit, looking both nervous and excited.

As Phuwin began to sing "Happy Birthday," his voice clear and melodious, Pond's eyes widened in surprise. The sight of Phuwin, after days of worry, brought an overwhelming rush of emotions. The song echoed through the room, and by the time Phuwin reached the final note, tears streamed down Pond's face.

Phuwin walked towards Pond, finishing the song right in front of him. The room erupted in applause, but Pond barely noticed. He was too focused on Phuwin, who smiled gently and handed him a small gift.

"I'm sorry for making you worry," Phuwin said softly, his eyes full of sincerity. "I wanted to make this birthday unforgettable for you."

Pond, his voice choked with emotion, managed to say, "Why didn't you reply to my messages?" His voice trembled as he spoke, a mix of relief and lingering worry evident.

Phuwin looked apologetic. "I wanted it to be a surprise. I thought it would be more special if I just showed up without any notice."

Pond shook his head, still in disbelief. "Do you know how worried I was? I thought something had happened to you."

Phuwin reached out, placing a comforting hand on Pond's arm. "I'm really sorry, Pond. I didn't mean to cause you any distress. I just wanted to make your birthday special."

Pond took a deep breath, trying to steady his emotions. "You did. More than you know. Just... don't ever disappear on me like that again, okay?"

Phuwin nodded, his eyes soft with understanding. "I promise. I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere."

Their heartfelt exchange didn't go unnoticed. Fans and media were quick to capture the moment, and soon, social media was buzzing with speculation and excitement. Photos and videos of Pond's tearful reaction to Phuwin's surprise flooded the internet, fueling rumors about the depth of their relationship.

Despite the public's frenzy, Pond and Phuwin were lost in their own world. The celebration continued, but for them, the most significant part of the evening had already happened. Pond's tears had washed away his worries, and Phuwin's presence had reaffirmed their bond.

As the event came to a close, P'Tan approached them, a knowing smile on his face. "I think this birthday will be one to remember," he said, patting Pond on the back.

Pond nodded, still holding Phuwin's hand. "Definitely. Thank you, P'Tan. And thank you, Phuwin. This is the best birthday I've ever had."

Phuwin smiled, feeling a warmth in his heart. "I'm glad you think so. Happy birthday, Pond."

The night ended with joy and laughter, surrounded by friends and well-wishers. But for Pond and Phuwin, it was a night that solidified their connection, a bond that was becoming increasingly hard to ignore.

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