A heart-to-heart

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It was a cozy evening at the Lertratkosum family estate. The dining room was filled with the aroma of Mae's home-cooked meal, a rare treat that brought everyone together. The table was set with an assortment of dishes, reflecting the family's love for good food and quality time. Pond, Phuwin, Janhee, and their parents—Pa and Mae—sat around the table, chatting and laughing, enjoying each other's company.

Phuwin, feeling a bit out of place but warmly welcomed, sat beside Pond. He had become a frequent guest at family dinners, and although he was still getting used to the dynamic, he appreciated the warmth and acceptance he felt from Pond's family.

As they were finishing their main course, Janhee cleared her throat, signaling she had something important to say. The room quieted, all eyes turning to her.

"Pond, there's something I've been meaning to discuss with you," Janhee began, her tone serious yet gentle. "I've been thinking a lot about your career, especially with everything that's happened recently. I believe it might be time for you to join Kazz Company."

Pond's fork paused mid-air, his eyes widening slightly. "Janhee, I... I don't know," he stammered, clearly taken aback. "Joining Kazz... It's a big step. People might think I'm only successful because of our family."

Pa leaned forward, his voice calm and reassuring. "Son, you've built an impressive career on your own. No one can deny your talent. Joining Kazz could open new doors for you."

Mae nodded in agreement. "Your father is right. We've seen how hard you've worked, and we're proud of you. Kazz would be lucky to have you."

Phuwin, sitting quietly beside Pond, squeezed his hand under the table, offering silent support.

"But it's not that simple," Pond protested, his voice filled with concern. "What if people think I'm taking the easy route? That I'm relying on family connections instead of my own abilities?"

Janhee sighed, understanding his hesitation. "Pond, I know it's a tough decision. But think about what you could achieve with the resources and support Kazz can provide. I'm not asking you to do this for the family. I'm asking you to consider what's best for your career."

The room fell silent, the weight of Janhee's words hanging in the air. Pond looked around the table, seeing the encouragement in his parents' eyes and feeling the unwavering support from Phuwin.

"I don't want people to think I'm just using the family name," Pond said softly, his voice betraying his inner turmoil.

Janhee reached across the table, taking Pond's other hand. "You've already proven yourself. This isn't about using the family name. It's about leveraging the opportunities we can offer to help you grow even more."

Pond's brow furrowed in thought, the debate swirling in his mind. He wanted to protect his hard-earned reputation but also recognized the potential benefits of joining Kazz.

Seeing Pond's struggle, Phuwin finally spoke up. "Pond, whatever you decide, know that your talent and hard work are what make you successful. Your family is just offering you another path. No matter what, your true supporters will see and understand that."

Pond looked at Phuwin, his heart swelling with gratitude. Taking a deep breath, he nodded slowly. "Alright. I'll think about it. But I need time to make this decision."

Janhee smiled, relieved that Pond was at least open to the idea. "Take all the time you need. Just know that we're here for you, no matter what."

The tension in the room eased, and the family returned to their meal, the conversation shifting to lighter topics. But the seed had been planted, and Pond knew he had a significant decision to make in the days ahead.

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