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Two days had passed since the livestream incident, and Phuwin still couldn't reach Pond. Every call went unanswered, every message left on read. The silence was deafening, amplifying his worries and guilt. Desperation gnawed at him, leaving him restless and anxious.

Late in the afternoon, the sky darkened with heavy clouds. Phuwin glanced out the window of his apartment, watching as raindrops began to splatter against the glass. His heart pounded in his chest as he made a decision. He couldn't wait any longer. He needed to see Pond, to explain himself in person, to fix this mess if he could.

Grabbing his coat and keys, Phuwin left his apartment and made his way to the car. The rain was coming down hard by the time he started the engine, but he didn't care. His mind was set. He drove through the city streets, the windshield wipers working furiously to keep the view clear. His heart raced with every mile, a mix of fear and determination propelling him forward.

When he finally arrived at Pond's luxurious apartment building, he parked in the basement and sat for a moment, gathering his thoughts. The quiet of the basement was in stark contrast to the storm outside. Taking a deep breath, Phuwin opened the car door and stepped out, feeling a chill despite the sheltered parking.

He took the elevator up to Pond's floor, his nerves fraying with each passing second. When he reached Pond's door, he hesitated before ringing the doorbell. For a moment, nothing happened, and Phuwin's heart sank. But then he heard footsteps approaching. The door opened, revealing a woman in her thirties, looking surprised and slightly confused.

"Hello? Can I help you?" she asked, her voice polite but wary.

Phuwin's heart dropped. He recognized her from photos on the internet, Pond's rumored girlfriend. The sight of her standing in Pond's doorway, looking so at ease, shattered his resolve. Panic and heartbreak surged through him, making it hard to breathe.

"I—I'm sorry," Phuwin stammered, backing away. "I must have the wrong address."

The woman frowned, concern crossing her features. "Are you looking for Pond? He's not here right now."

Phuwin shook his head, his vision blurring with tears. "No, it's fine. I should go."

Without waiting for a response, he turned and hurried back to the elevator, tears threatening to spill over. He fumbled with his keys as he unlocked the car door and slid into the driver's seat. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions, confusion, and despair.

He started the car and drove away, the pain in his chest almost unbearable. How could he have been so foolish to think that he and Pond had something special? The woman's presence at Pond's apartment felt like a cruel confirmation of his worst fears.

As he drove through the rain-soaked streets, Phuwin's thoughts spiraled. He had hoped to find answers, to mend the rift between them, but now he felt more lost and broken than ever. The sight of Pond's rumored girlfriend had shattered any hope he had left.

When he finally arrived back at his apartment, he was drenched and exhausted. He collapsed onto his couch, his heart heavy with grief. He couldn't stop replaying the scene in his mind, the woman's face haunting him.

His phone buzzed with notifications, but he ignored them. The thought of facing more criticism and speculation was too much to bear. Instead, he let the tears flow, his sobs echoing in the empty room. He had tried so hard to make things right, but now it felt like everything was falling apart.

Phuwin curled up on the couch, his body shaking with sobs. The loneliness and despair he felt were overwhelming, suffocating him. He clutched a pillow to his chest, his tears soaking through the fabric. Every breath felt like a struggle, each sob tearing through him with a pain he couldn't describe.

Hours passed, and the rain outside showed no sign of stopping. Phuwin's tears finally slowed, but the sorrow in his heart remained. He closed his eyes, hoping that somehow, things would look brighter in the morning. But deep down, he feared that the damage was already done, and there was no going back.

In the dark silence of his apartment, Phuwin's cries echoed, a haunting reminder of the heartache and confusion that now consumed him.

— 🎀 —

Phuwin lay on his couch, the events of the past few days weighing heavily on his mind. His eyes were red and swollen from hours of crying, and he felt a numbness that made it hard to move. The room was dim, the only light coming from the muted television, casting a soft glow over the furniture.

His phone buzzed on the coffee table, breaking the heavy silence. He hesitated, not wanting to deal with more messages or calls. But when it buzzed again, something compelled him to reach for it. He glanced at the screen and saw an unfamiliar number. For a moment, he considered letting it go to voicemail, but then he answered.

"Hello?" His voice was hoarse from crying.

"Hello, is this Phuwin?" a professional-sounding voice asked.

"Yes, this is Phuwin."

"Hi Phuwin, this is Ms. Naree from Kazz Magazine. I'm calling to confirm your availability for the rehearsal tomorrow for the Kazz Magazine Awards. Are you still able to join us?"

Phuwin sat up, rubbing his eyes. The reality of his responsibilities began to sink in, cutting through the fog of his emotions.

"Yes, I'm available," he said, trying to steady his voice.

"Great," Ms. Naree continued. "We'll be starting at 10 AM sharp at the venue. We'll go through the entire program, and it's important for all emcees to be there to ensure everything runs smoothly on the day of the awards. Do you have any questions or concerns?"

Phuwin took a deep breath, trying to push aside his personal turmoil. "No, that sounds fine. I'll be there."

"Excellent. Thank you, Phuwin. We'll see you tomorrow at 10 AM. Have a good evening."

"Thank you. Goodbye."

Phuwin ended the call and stared at his phone for a moment. The reality of his commitment to the awards show was a welcome distraction, something to focus on amid the chaos of his personal life. He knew he had to pull himself together, at least for the rehearsal. It was a professional obligation, and he couldn't afford to let his emotions interfere.

Despite the heavy weight in his chest, he forced himself to get up and prepare for the next day. He laid out his clothes, gathered his notes, and tried to mentally rehearse his role as an emcee. It was a small step, but it helped to anchor him, to remind him that he had responsibilities and people who depended on him.

As he went through the motions, his thoughts kept drifting back to Pond. The unanswered calls and messages, the woman at his apartment, the gnawing fear that their relationship was over—all of it lingered in the back of his mind, a constant source of pain.

But for now, he had to focus on the task at hand. He couldn't let his personal life derail his professional obligations. He owed it to himself to show up and give his best, no matter how broken he felt inside.

The night passed slowly, filled with restless tossing and turning. When morning came, Phuwin felt a sense of grim determination. He dressed carefully, checking his appearance in the mirror. The reflection showed a composed exterior, hiding the turmoil within.

As he headed out the door, his phone buzzed with more notifications. He ignored them, focusing on the immediate goal: getting through the rehearsal. The drive to the venue was uneventful, but the knot in his stomach tightened with each passing mile.

When he arrived, he took a deep breath and stepped out of the car, ready to face whatever the day would bring. He couldn't control everything that was happening in his life, but he could control how he handled this moment. And for now, that would have to be enough.


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