The calm amidst the storms

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Pond's company decided not to issue any clarification regarding the rumors about him and Phuwin. Instead, they chose to let the speculation run its course, knowing it would generate engagement and buzz for Pond's upcoming series. Though Pond initially felt uneasy about this strategy, he gradually came to terms with it. After all, he and Phuwin weren't in a relationship, so there was nothing to clarify.

It had been a grueling day on set, and Pond was feeling the weight of the persistent rumors more acutely than ever. Trying to focus on his lines proved difficult with the constant chatter about him and Phuwin swirling around. As he took a break, his co-star May approached him with a smug expression, clearly sensing an opportunity.

"Hey, Pond," May said, sidling up to him.

"I saw the latest rumors about you and that influencer. Phuwin, right?"

Pond looked up, already bracing himself for another uncomfortable conversation.

May shrugged, a sly smile playing on her lips. "I just find it amusing that someone like you would be associated with an ordinary influencer. I mean, you could do so much better."

Pond's jaw tightened. He took a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure.

"I don't appreciate you belittling him."

May raised an eyebrow, her tone dripping with disdain. "Relax, Pond. I'm just saying you should be careful. People are talking, and not all of it is good."

Pond's patience was wearing thin. He clenched his fists, his voice growing more intense. "People will always talk, May. That doesn't give you the right to look down on someone you don't even know."

May's smile turned bitter.

"I just don't get it, Pond. We've worked together for so long, and you've never shown interest in anyone like this. And now, this influencer? It's almost laughable."

Pond's eyes narrowed.

"What exactly is so laughable about it? Phuwin has achieved a lot through his hard work and dedication. Just because he's not in our industry doesn't make him any less worthy."

May crossed her arms, her voice taking on a sharper edge. "Come on, Pond. You and I both know the kind of people who make it big in this industry. He's just riding on your fame now. An influencer? Really? Do you even know what that means?"

Pond took a step closer, his voice steady but laced with anger. "You have no idea what you're talking about. Phuwin has a loyal following because of his skills and authenticity. Maybe you should try understanding people before dismissing them."

May's expression hardened further.

"Fine, whatever. But mark my words, this is going to blow up in your face. You're risking everything for someone who isn't even in the same league."

Pond's fists clenched tighter, his knuckles whitening. "Risking everything? I've built my career on my own terms, May. I'm not about to let someone like you dictate who I can or can't associate with. Phuwin is more than you'll ever understand, and frankly, your opinion on this doesn't matter to me."

May's face flushed with a mix of anger and embarrassment. "Oh, really? Well, when your career starts to crumble because of this ridiculous infatuation, don't come crying to me."

Pond's voice dropped to a cold, measured tone.

"You seem to forget, May, that I've managed my career just fine without your advice. If anything, your narrow-minded attitude is what's truly laughable here."

May's eyes narrowed further, her voice dropping to a harsh whisper. "You're really serious about this, aren't you? You're willing to throw away everything you've worked for just because of some pretty face on Instagram?"

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