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The next day, Phuwin was tidying up his makeup rack when a notification popped up on his phone. It was an alert that Pond was doing a live session on Instagram. Despite the recent tensions, Phuwin couldn't help but feel a flicker of excitement. He quickly joined the live stream, hoping to catch a glimpse of Pond and perhaps reconnect in some small way.

As he tuned in, Phuwin's heart sank. The chat was flooded with comments mentioning his name. Some fans were excited to see both Pond and Phuwin together again, while others expressed curiosity and admiration. However, amidst the flurry of messages, one comment caught Phuwin off guard.

Pond, sitting comfortably in his home, smiled at the camera and began answering questions from his fans. The atmosphere seemed light-hearted, but Phuwin sensed an underlying tension. His name popped up repeatedly in the comments, prompting Pond to address it.

"Where's Phuwin? Are you guys hanging out today?" one fan asked.

"Do you and Phuwin have any new projects coming up?" another chimed in.

"What's the real deal between you and Phuwin?" a bolder comment read.

Pond's eyes flickered with a hint of discomfort before he replied, "Well, you know, Phuwin and I are good friends," Pond said casually, his tone light but ambiguous. "We've worked together on some projects, and we do collaborations for Navori. It's all part of the job and keeping things friendly."

Phuwin froze as he listened to Pond's words. The casual dismissal stung more than he had anticipated. It wasn't just the words themselves but the way Pond said them—detached, almost as if trying to distance himself. It felt like a sharp contrast to the moments they had shared, especially those intimate times they had spent together.

Feeling a knot form in his stomach, Phuwin hesitated for a moment. The comments kept coming, some questioning their relationship, others expressing disappointment.

"Are you saying there's nothing more between you two?" a fan asked, clearly hoping for a different answer.

"Why do you sound so distant about Phuwin?" another comment read.

The mixed emotions churned within Phuwin—a blend of hurt, confusion, and a growing sense of self-doubt.

Unable to bear the weight of it all, Phuwin quietly exited the live stream. He set his phone aside, his mind swirling with thoughts. Was he just a pawn in Pond's game of fame and publicity? Did their moments together mean nothing more than a show for the cameras?

The silence in his apartment felt suffocating. Phuwin wandered over to his window, staring out at the cityscape beyond. Raindrops trickled down the glass, mirroring the tumultuous storm within him. He replayed Pond's words in his mind, each repetition deepening the ache in his chest.

Hours passed, but Phuwin remained lost in his thoughts. The heaviness of the situation weighed on him, overshadowing any sense of clarity or resolution. He couldn't bring himself to reach out to Pond, unsure if there was anything left to say. Instead, he found solace in the quiet solitude of his apartment, grappling with the aftermath of a public moment that had turned sour.

— 🎀 —

Pond settled into his favorite spot on the couch, phone in hand, ready to start his Instagram live session. Despite the cheery facade he put on for his fans, a sense of unease lingered in the back of his mind. He knew questions about Phuwin were inevitable, and he dreaded the moment they would arise.

As the live session began, Pond greeted his viewers with a smile, trying to push away the anxiety gnawing at him. He answered a few light-hearted questions about his upcoming projects and daily routine, but soon enough, the chat exploded with mentions of Phuwin.

"Where's Phuwin? Are you guys hanging out today?" one fan asked.

Pond felt his chest tighten. He ignored the question, focusing instead on promoting his upcoming series.

"So, I'm really excited about this new series coming out," he began, forcing a smile. "It's been a lot of hard work, and I can't wait for you all to see it."

The comments kept coming, and Pond's heart sank further. He spotted a familiar name among the viewers—Phuwin had joined the live session. Panic bubbled up inside him. He wasn't prepared for this.

"What's the real deal between you and Phuwin?" a bolder comment read.

Pond took a deep breath, his mind racing. He knew what he had to say, but it didn't make it any easier. "Well, you know, Phuwin and I are good friends," he said casually, forcing a light chuckle. "It's all just part of the job."

As he uttered those words, Pond's heart ached. He glanced at the screen, hoping Phuwin hadn't taken his words too harshly. But he knew better. Phuwin was sensitive, and this would hurt him deeply.

"Do you and Phuwin have any new projects coming up?" another chimed in.

"We've worked together on some projects, and we do collaborations for Navori," Pond replied, keeping his tone neutral. "It's all part of the job and keeping things friendly."

Phuwin's name disappeared from the list of viewers, and Pond's heart sank even further. He had hurt him—again. The session dragged on, but Pond's mind was elsewhere, consumed with guilt and regret. As soon as he ended the live, he tossed his phone aside and buried his face in his hands.

He remembered the way Phuwin's eyes sparkled when he was happy, the way his laughter filled a room with warmth. The thought of those eyes now clouded with hurt because of him was almost too much to bear.

"God, I'm such an idiot," he muttered to himself. He wanted to protect Phuwin, but all he seemed to do was push him away. The industry was harsh, unforgiving, and Pond had hoped to shield Phuwin from its worst aspects. But in doing so, he'd created a rift between them.

The silence of his apartment was deafening. Pond stared at the ceiling, lost in thought. He loved Phuwin, but he didn't know how to balance that love with the need to protect him. How could he keep Phuwin safe without breaking his heart in the process?

He picked up his phone again, scrolling through their old messages, their photos together. Each one a reminder of the bond they shared, a bond he was now at risk of losing. He wanted to call Phuwin, to apologize, to explain. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. Not yet.

Pond's eyes burned with unshed tears as he replayed the live session in his mind. He had to find a way to fix this, to make things right. But for now, all he could do was hope that Phuwin would understand his intentions, even if his actions spoke otherwise.

As the night wore on, Pond lay awake, haunted by the thought of Phuwin's hurt expression. He knew he had to do something, but the path forward was anything but clear. The only certainty was his love for Phuwin, a love he would do anything to protect, even if it meant making the hardest decisions of his life.


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