Desolation's labyrinth

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The lights were bright and the energy in the room was palpable. Phuwin stood next to his emcee partner, Nunew Chawarin, both of them exuding professionalism despite the underlying tension. They had been handling their emcee duties smoothly, engaging the audience with their charm and wit.

Phuwin held the next script card in his hand, his heart skipping a beat when he read the content. He glanced at Nunew, who also seemed to notice the name on the card.

Nunew leaned closer, whispering, "Are you okay with this?"

Phuwin nodded subtly, maintaining his composed demeanor.

"I'll announce it. You can hand over the trophy."

Phuwin took a deep breath, masking his emotions with a practiced smile. He stepped forward, addressing the audience with his usual charisma.

"And now, the moment we've all been waiting for. The award for Actor of the Year goes to..."

"...Pond Naravit!"

Applause erupted from the audience as Pond's name was announced. Phuwin kept his eyes on the audience, avoiding direct eye contact with Pond. Nunew took the trophy from the presenter, ready to hand it over.

Pond stood up from his seat, his eyes fixed on Phuwin. Despite the applause and the congratulatory pats on his back, all he could focus on was Phuwin standing on the stage. He walked up to the stage, his heart pounding not just from winning the award, but from seeing Phuwin after everything that had happened.

Nunew smiled warmly as he handed the trophy to Pond, who accepted it with a grateful nod. "Thank you."

Phuwin watched the interaction, his smile never wavering. He could feel Pond's eyes on him, but he kept his gaze forward, addressing the audience again. "Congratulations to Pond Naravit for winning Actor of the Year! Let's give him another round of applause."

The audience complied, clapping enthusiastically. Phuwin stepped back slightly, giving Pond the space to make his acceptance speech.

Pond approached the microphone, holding the trophy tightly. He glanced at Phuwin again before speaking. "Thank you so much for this incredible honor. I want to thank my fans, my family, and everyone who supported me throughout my career."

His voice faltered slightly as he continued, "I also want to thank those who have been by my side through thick and thin. Your support means everything to me."

Pond's eyes flickered to Phuwin once more, hoping to convey what words couldn't express. Phuwin maintained his professional facade, but there was a brief moment of understanding in his eyes.

Nunew sensed the tension but kept the show moving smoothly. "Thank you, Pond. Once again, congratulations on your well-deserved win."

Phuwin and Nunew walked off the stage, the weight of the moment finally hitting Phuwin. He let out a quiet breath, feeling the emotional strain of the encounter. Nunew placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"You did great out there," Nunew said softly.

Phuwin nodded, offering a small smile. "Thanks, Nunew. Let's get through the rest of the night."

As Pond returned to his seat, he couldn't shake off the emotions stirred by seeing Phuwin. He knew there was so much left unsaid between them, and winning the award felt bittersweet. His thoughts were consumed by Phuwin, the person who meant more to him than any accolade.

As the night went on, Phuwin and Nunew continued their emcee duties, maintaining their professionalism despite the lingering tension. Phuwin's heart ached, but he focused on the task at hand, determined to stay strong.

The event finally came to an end, and Phuwin felt a mix of relief and exhaustion. As he walked backstage, he couldn't help but think about the look in Pond's eyes during the award announcement. It was a look that held so much emotion, so much unsaid.

Phuwin knew he couldn't avoid the truth forever. Eventually, he would have to face Pond and confront the feelings that still lingered between them. For now, he took a deep breath and prepared to leave, knowing that the hardest part was yet to come.


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