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After a leisurely breakfast and some light-hearted moments in the kitchen, the atmosphere in Pond's apartment began to shift as the reality of their situation settled in. The time had come for Mae and Janhee to head back home. They had shared laughter and stories, but there were pressing matters that needed attention.

As Mae prepared to leave, she gently pulled Pond aside. Her expression, while loving, held a serious undertone that Pond couldn't ignore. "Pond, you need to settle everything before it gets worse," Mae began, her voice firm. "You might lose Phuwin forever if you don't."

Pond swallowed hard, the weight of her words sinking in. He knew his mother was right. The situation with his company and the public misunderstanding had spiraled out of control, and it was up to him to fix it.

Standing nearby, Janhee stepped in, her usual playful demeanor replaced with a rare seriousness. "If you need my help handling the media, just let me know," she offered, her tone sincere.

Pond shook his head, a determined look on his face. "I'll try my best to handle it myself. But if things get out of control, I'll definitely need your help," he replied, his voice steady but with a hint of uncertainty.

Mae, sensing the tension, placed a reassuring hand on Pond's shoulder. "Be careful with your current company. They have a reputation for being deceitful. Watch your back," she advised, her eyes full of concern.

Phuwin, who had been quietly listening to the exchange, couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity and concern. He wondered about Pond's family background and how casually Janhee mentioned handling the media. It seemed like there was much more to Pond's family than he had realized. The fact that Janhee could offer such assistance so nonchalantly hinted at a deeper level of influence and power that Phuwin hadn't been aware of.

As Mae and Janhee gathered their things to leave, Mae turned to Phuwin, her expression softening. "Phuwin, you're part of this family now. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything," she said warmly, giving him a comforting hug.

Janhee followed suit, giving Phuwin a friendly pat on the back. "Take care, Phuwin. And don't worry, we've got your back too," she added with a wink.

After Mae and Janhee left, Phuwin felt a mix of relief and lingering curiosity. He turned to Pond, his brow furrowed slightly. "Pond, can I ask you something?" Phuwin began, his voice tentative.

Pond, sensing the seriousness in Phuwin's tone, nodded. "Of course, Sunshine. Ask me anything."

Phuwin took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "I know your family is wealthy, but I didn't realize just how influential they are. Your mom and Janhee... it seems like there's more to your family's background than I knew."

Pond sighed, understanding Phuwin's curiosity. He knew this conversation was inevitable, especially after the events of the day. "You're right, babe."

Phuwin nodded, his eyes encouraging Pond to continue.

"My family is involved in various businesses," Pond began. "We do more than just own a few companies. For starters, we have a significant stake in the Kazz company, the same one that organizes the Kazz Magazine Awards."

Phuwin's eyes widened in surprise. "You mean... your family has a say in the awards?"

Pond quickly shook his head. "Yes, but not in the way you might think. All my nominations and wins at the Kazz Awards are based on merit. We have strict policies to avoid any bias or favoritism. My family's involvement doesn't influence the results."

Phuwin listened intently, processing the information.

"Janhee, my sister, is actually the one who oversees the Kazz company," Pond continued. "She handles everything from management to media relations. My dad, on the other hand, focuses on our hotel management business. We own several hotels across the country."

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