Filming set

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Pond sat in his chair on the filming set, scrolling through his phone with a bright smile on his face. His fingers danced over the screen as he exchanged messages with Phuwin. The set was bustling with activity, but Pond's focus was entirely on his conversation.

Phuwintang 🐱

Good morning, sunshine! 🌞 How did you sleep?

Morning, Pond. I slept well, thank you. How about you?

Slept like a baby, especially after dreaming about you. 😊

Oh, um, that's sweet. 😳

You make everything better, you know that?

Do I? I'm just... me. 😅

And that's more than enough. When can I see you again?

Um, I think I'm free this weekend.

Perfect. Dinner, my treat. I miss your cute face.

You do? 😳

Of course! You're adorable. Can't stop thinking about you.

You're making me blush... 😶

I wish I could see it. You look so cute when you blush. 😏

Stop teasing me! 😖

Never. Your reactions are the best. How's your day looking?

Pretty relaxed. Just a couple of reviews to do.

I'll be thinking about you while I'm on set.

Oh, um, thank you. I'll be cheering you on.

Just needed my morning dose of Phuwin. You make everything brighter.

You're too much, Pond. But it's nice to hear from you. 😅

It's hard not to be sweet when I'm talking to you. What's for lunch?

I haven't decided yet. Maybe just something light.

Like you? Light and sweet. 😉

Pond! You're such a flirt! 😖

Only with you. I'll talk to you later, beautiful.

Okay, Pond. Have a great day on set. 💖

Pond chuckled softly as he read Phuwin's last message, feeling a warmth spread through him. He tucked his phone away just as a few crew members walked by, whispering among themselves.

"Have you noticed Pond lately?" one of them said. "He's been so cheerful these days."

"Yeah, he's always smiling at his phone," another added. "Wonder who he's texting."

"Must be someone special," a third crew member chimed in. "He's never been this happy before."

May, who was nearby getting her makeup touched up, couldn't help but eavesdrop. She narrowed her eyes, feeling a twinge of jealousy. She leaned closer to the conversation, trying to catch every word.

"I heard it might be that influencer, Phuwin," one of the staff members whispered. "You know, the guy from all those rumors."

"Really? Him? Pond's really into him?" another asked, sounding intrigued.

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