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The next day, Pond marched into his company's headquarters with determination etched across his face. He headed straight to the CEO's office, prepared to terminate his contract. As he entered the room, the CEO greeted him with a polite yet wary smile. He sat in his opulent office, surrounded by the trappings of corporate power—gleaming awards, a panoramic view of the city skyline.

"Pond, what brings you here today?" the CEO asked, leaning back in his plush leather chair.

Pond wasted no time. "I'm here to discuss the termination of my contract."

The CEO's smile faded, replaced by a stern expression. "Terminate your contract? Pond, you're one of our most valuable talents. We can't just let you go."

Pond's jaw tightened. "I'm not asking for permission. I'm informing you of my decision."

The CEO's eyes narrowed, his tone growing colder. "You realize what this means, right? You're breaching your contract. There will be consequences."

Pond's anger simmered beneath the surface, but he remained calm. "I'm aware of the terms. I'll pay any penalties, but I'm done with this company."

The CEO leaned forward, his gaze piercing. "You're making a mistake, Pond. You think you can just walk away? I can ruin Phuwin's career with a snap of my fingers if you do this."

At the mention of Phuwin's name, Pond's composure cracked. Fury surged through him, his voice rising. "Leave Phuwin out of this. If you so much as touch his career, I will make sure this company is sued into oblivion."

The CEO scoffed, dismissing Pond's threat with a wave of his hand. "You think you can scare me? You're just an actor."

Pond's eyes blazed with determination. "Maybe I can't, but I know someone who can." He pulled out his phone and dialed Janhee's number. The call connected, and he put it on speaker.

"Hello, Janhee? I need you to handle something for me."

The CEO's face paled at the mention of Janhee's name. He knew all too well how influential she was in the industry. The rumors about Pond's relationship with Janhee suddenly flashed through his mind, and he began to sweat.

"Of course. What's the issue?" Janhee's voice came through the speaker, calm and composed.

Pond looked directly at the CEO. "I'm at my company, trying to terminate my contract. The CEO is being... uncooperative. Can you assist with this?"

There was a brief pause before Janhee responded. "Consider it done. I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

The CEO leaned back in his leather chair, fingers steepled in front of him as he contemplated Pond's ultimatum. "Naravit," he started cautiously, "your performance and contributions to our company are undeniable. But terminating your contract based on a phone call alone—"

"Mr. CEO," Pond interjected firmly, his tone leaving no room for negotiation, "I wouldn't have involved my sister if I didn't consider this a serious matter." With that, Pond pressed a button on his desk phone, signaling his assistant to bring in Janhee.

The CEO's demeanor shifted from arrogance to fear. He knew that if Janhee got involved, things could escalate quickly. He couldn't afford to have her scrutinizing the company's practices.

Moments later, the door swung open, and Janhee Naravit entered the room. She exuded an aura of authority and confidence, her presence instantly commanding attention. Dressed impeccably in a tailored suit, Janhee's demeanor was businesslike yet composed. She approached the CEO's desk with purpose, nodding politely as she took a seat.

"Good afternoon, Mr. CEO," Janhee greeted with a courteous smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "I apologize for the abruptness of my visit, but I believe we need to resolve this matter swiftly."

The CEO, visibly taken aback by Janhee's presence, attempted to regain his composure. "Miss Janhee," he began, addressing her with newfound respect, "I appreciate your involvement, but terminating Pond's contract—"

"Mr. CEO," Janhee interrupted firmly, her tone brooking no argument, "my brother's decision is final. His concerns are legitimate, and I trust you understand the implications of not honoring his request."

The CEO hesitated, glancing nervously between Pond and Janhee. He knew of Janhee Naravit's reputation—a savvy businesswoman with connections that spanned industries and continents. The prospect of crossing her sent a shiver down his spine.

"Wait," the CEO stammered, holding up a hand. "Let's not be hasty. We can come to an agreement."

Pond crossed his arms, his expression unyielding. "Sign the termination papers, and we'll consider this settled."

With trembling hands, the CEO grabbed a pen and reluctantly signed the documents, officially ending Pond's contract. He handed the papers to Pond, who took them with a satisfied nod.

"Thank you," Pond said, his voice firm. "And remember, if you try anything against Phuwin, you'll have more than just me to deal with."

The CEO swallowed hard, nodding silently as Pond turned and left the office, the termination papers in hand. As Pond exited the building, he felt a sense of liberation. He was free from the company's clutches, and he had taken a stand to protect the person he loved.

Pond's phone buzzed with a message from Janhee: "Handled?"

Pond replied with a simple, "Yes. Thank you, sis."

Janhee's response came quickly. "Okay, let me know if you need anything, little brother. Take care of Phuwin."

Pond smiled, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. With the termination behind him, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that he had the support of his family and the strength of his love for Phuwin to guide him.

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