Behind the scenes

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One sunny afternoon, between takes, Pond found a quiet moment to call Phuwin. He paced backstage, the bustle of crew members and equipment around him fading into the background as he waited for Phuwin to pick up.

"Hey, Sunshine," Pond greeted eagerly when Phuwin finally answered. "How's your day going?"

"Hey!" Phuwin's voice was warm and cheerful on the other end. "It's been good so far. What about you? How's filming?"

"It's been intense, but good," Pond replied. "Listen, I was thinking... would you like to come visit the set sometime?."

Phuwin's excitement was palpable even through the phone. "Are you serious? I'd love to, Pond! When do you want me to come?"

Pond thought for a moment, checking his schedule mentally. "How about tomorrow afternoon? We have a break in filming, so I can show you around without distractions."

"Tomorrow sounds perfect!" Phuwin agreed eagerly. "I can't wait to see you in action."

— 🎀 —

Pond glanced up from his script as Phuwin walked into the dressing room, wearing a striking pink crop top that accentuated his features. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of Phuwin's outfit, and he couldn't help but let out a soft gasp.

"Sunshine, you look stunning," Pond said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. He stood up, unable to take his eyes off Phuwin. "Pink suits you so well."

Phuwin grinned, a hint of bashfulness coloring his cheeks. "You think so?" he replied, spinning slightly to give Pond a better view.

"Yes, absolutely," Pond continued, stepping closer. "You're... you're so pretty, Sunshine."

Phuwin chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with amusement and affection. "Thank you, Pond. I wasn't sure about wearing this today, but I'm glad you like it."

"I more than like it," Pond murmured, reaching out to gently touch the fabric of Phuwin's top. As he did, he couldn't resist sliding his hands around Phuwin's waist, pulling him closer.

Phuwin's breath caught at the sudden intimacy, but he leaned into Pond's touch, his own hands finding their place on Pond's shoulders. Their eyes locked, and a surge of warmth passed between them, unspoken yet palpable.

"You always manage to amaze me," Pond whispered, his voice barely above a breath. His fingers traced gentle patterns on Phuwin's waist, a gesture filled with tenderness and desire.

Phuwin tilted his head slightly, a soft smile playing on his lips. "And you always make me feel special," he replied, his voice barely a whisper.

In that quiet moment, surrounded by the intimacy of their shared space, Pond and Phuwin found solace in each other's presence. The world outside seemed to fade away as they stood there, lost in the warmth and comfort of each other's touch.

— 🎀 —

As Phuwin walked onto the set with Pond, heads turned and whispers followed. Pond couldn't help but grin at the reactions Phuwin's presence elicited. "You're a hit already," he teased, nudging Phuwin playfully.

Phuwin blushed lightly but grinned back. "I brought these," he said, holding out the box of cupcakes. "I thought the crew might enjoy a sweet treat."

The crew gathered around, their curiosity piqued by Phuwin's gesture. As he distributed the cupcakes, he chatted amiably with everyone, effortlessly putting them at ease with his friendly demeanor and genuine interest in their work.

"These are amazing, Phuwin!" exclaimed one of the assistants after taking a bite. "You really know your way around a kitchen."

Phuwin laughed modestly. "I enjoy baking in my spare time. It's a hobby."

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