Media storm

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Phuwin woke up feeling the warmth of the morning sun streaming through the curtains. He glanced over at Pond, still asleep beside him, and smiled. Last night had been a whirlwind of emotions and passion, leaving them both feeling closer than ever. Carefully, Phuwin slipped out of bed, trying not to wake Pond, and went to the living room to start his day.

He decided to do a quick livestream on Instagram, something he enjoyed to connect with his fans. Settling on the couch, he started the live session, greeting his followers with a bright smile.

"Good morning, everyone! I hope you're all having a great day. I just wanted to catch up with you all and see how you're doing," Phuwin said, watching the comments and likes flood in.

Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Pond stirred awake. He reached out for Phuwin, frowning when he realized the other side of the bed was empty. Half-asleep, Pond got up and wandered through the apartment, looking for Phuwin.

As Phuwin continued his livestream, answering questions and sharing stories, he didn't notice Pond approaching. Still groggy and unaware of the live camera, Pond walked into the living room, his eyes lighting up when he saw Phuwin. Without thinking, he moved behind the couch and wrapped his arms around Phuwin, pulling him into a hug.

"Good morning, babe," Pond murmured, burying his face in Phuwin's neck.

Phuwin's eyes widened in shock as he realized they were live. The comments exploded with excitement and questions as fans recognized Pond. Phuwin turned his head slightly, trying to stay composed.

"Pond, we're live," he whispered, a blush creeping up his cheeks.

Pond looked up, finally noticing the phone and the flood of comments. His eyes widened, and he froze, realizing the magnitude of his mistake. He let go of Phuwin, stepping back, his face a mix of shock and regret.

Phuwin couldn't help but laugh nervously at the situation. "Well, I guess everyone knows you're here now," he said, trying to sound light-hearted.

The comments continued to pour in, filled with excitement and curiosity. Phuwin and Pond exchanged a glance, a silent conversation passing between them. They had never planned to reveal their relationship so publicly, but the moment felt oddly perfect.

"Um, yes, everyone, Pond is here," Phuwin confirmed, leaning into the moment. "We've been spending some time together."

Seeing the flood of comments and realizing the situation was escalating quickly, Phuwin decided to end the session. "Okay, everyone, we'll talk more later. Thanks for joining!" he said, ending the livestream immediately.

Phuwin's heart pounded as he ended the livestream. The screen went dark, but the chaos in his mind was just beginning. He glanced at Pond, whose face was a mask of shock and regret. Before Phuwin could say anything, Pond turned away and headed towards the bathroom, leaving Phuwin standing alone in the living room.

Phuwin's phone buzzed incessantly with notifications, but he couldn't bring himself to look at it. Instead, he sank onto the couch, feeling the weight of the situation settle heavily on his shoulders. He heard the shower start, the sound of water only amplifying the silence between them.

As he sat there, the events of the livestream replayed in his mind. Pond's unexpected hug, the surge of comments, and the abrupt ending. The joy he had felt moments before was now replaced with anxiety and dread. What had they done?

The minutes stretched on, each one feeling longer than the last. Phuwin's thoughts raced, wondering what the fans were saying, what the media would make of this, and how it would affect their careers. Most importantly, he worried about what Pond was thinking.

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