Take care

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Phuwin knew Pond would be attending the awards show, having seen updates on social media about Pond's multiple nominations. Still, he wasn't sure if Pond knew that he was one of the emcees for the evening. The anticipation and anxiety of possibly encountering Pond weighed heavily on his mind as he prepared for the event.

In the dressing room, Phuwin examined his outfit in the mirror. The ensemble, while stylish, felt a bit too revealing for his comfort. The midriff-baring top and the loose neckline showcased more of his body than he was used to. He adjusted the fabric nervously, hoping it would somehow feel less exposing as the night went on. Despite his discomfort, he knew he had to stay professional. The past few months had been chaotic enough, and he didn't want to cause any more trouble.

Taking a deep breath, Phuwin walked out of the dressing room, trying to project confidence. However, it wasn't long before he started attracting unwanted attention. Some men backstage began making comments about his attire, their eyes lingering on him in ways that made him feel incredibly self-conscious.

"Hey, looking good!" one of them called out, his tone more leering than complimentary.

"Nice outfit," another added with a smirk, making Phuwin's skin crawl.

The comments grew louder and more invasive. Phuwin felt his heart rate spike, a sense of dread creeping up on him. He tried to ignore them, keeping his head down and moving quickly, but the atmosphere became increasingly uncomfortable.

Just as he thought it couldn't get any worse, one of the men stepped forward, reaching out to touch his exposed arm. "You look tense. Need some help relaxing?" he said, his smile anything but friendly.

Phuwin tensed, ready to pull away, but before he could react, a firm voice cut through the tension.

"Hey, guys, let's keep it professional here," Joong said, stepping between Phuwin and the men with a calm yet authoritative presence.

The group of men exchanged mutters and glances but eventually backed off, their interest waning under Joong's stern gaze. Once they dispersed, Joong turned to Phuwin, concern evident in his eyes.

"Phuwin? What are you doing here?" Joong asked, clearly surprised to see him.

Phuwin managed a small smile, though he still felt shaken. "I'm one of the emcees tonight. Just trying to stay professional, you know?"

Joong placed a reassuring hand on Phuwin's shoulder. "I didn't expect to see you here, but it's good to know you'll be part of the show. You okay? Those guys were out of line."

Phuwin nodded, though the discomfort lingered. "Thanks, Joong. I didn't expect that either. I'm okay now, thanks to you."

Joong's expression softened. "No problem. You shouldn't have to deal with that. Just stick with me if you need to."

Phuwin felt a wave of gratitude wash over him. Joong's support was a welcome relief, and with him by his side, he felt a bit more secure facing the rest of the evening. As they walked towards the main area, Joong continued to make light conversation, distracting Phuwin from the unsettling encounter.

"So, ready for the big night?" Joong asked, flashing a friendly smile.

Phuwin managed a small smile in return. "As ready as I'll ever be. Just hoping everything goes smoothly."

Joong chuckled. "Don't worry, you'll do great. And remember, if anyone gives you trouble, I'm here."

Phuwin nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. Despite the earlier discomfort, he was grateful for Joong's intervention and support. With a deep breath, he mentally prepared himself for the evening ahead, knowing he had at least one ally in the chaotic world of the awards show.

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