Taste of secrets

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The elegant ambiance of the restaurant at one of Bangkok's priciest hotels set the perfect backdrop for Pond and Phuwin's much-anticipated dinner. Soft candlelight flickered on their table, reflecting off the polished silverware and crystal glasses. Pond had chosen this place to make the evening special, wanting to treat Phuwin to an unforgettable experience.

As they settled into their seats, Phuwin glanced around, his eyes widening at the opulence. "Pond, this place is... wow. I didn't expect it to be so fancy."

Pond smiled warmly, waving off Phuwin's concern. "You deserve the best, Phuwin. Besides, it's a special night. Let's enjoy it."

The waiter arrived with menus, and they spent a few moments deciding on their orders. Once the waiter had taken their selections and departed, Pond leaned in, his expression curious.

"So, Phuwin, tell me more about yourself. You mentioned you're from Chiangmai?"

Phuwin nodded, taking a sip of water before speaking. "Yeah, I'm the only child. I moved to Bangkok to pursue my studies. I initially came here for college, but during that time, I attended a makeup class, and that's when I found my true passion. I decided to stay here and make a career out of it."

Pond listened intently, his eyes shining with admiration. "That's amazing. It takes a lot of courage to follow your passion like that."

Phuwin smiled, a little bashful. "It wasn't easy, but I'm glad I made that choice. What about you, Pond? Tell me about your family."

Pond's face softened at the mention of his family. "I'm the youngest of two siblings. I have an older sister who's currently helping with our family business. Our parents are very supportive, but they also have high expectations. And yes, that's all."

"That's wonderful," Phuwin replied, sensing Pond's reluctance to delve deeper.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly throughout the evening. They shared stories from their childhood, dreams for the future, and the challenges they'd faced along the way. With each passing moment, they grew more comfortable and connected, the bond between them strengthening.

When the food arrived, it was a feast for the senses—exquisitely presented dishes that tasted even better than they looked. Pond watched Phuwin's reactions with amusement, pleased to see him enjoying every bite.

"So, Pond," Phuwin began tentatively, setting down his wine glass. "You've shared a lot about your career and your dreams, but I'm curious about your family. You seem... grounded, yet there's this air of... I don't know, something more."

Pond smiled warmly, though there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes. "My family is great."

"But what do they do? You mentioned your sister helps with the family business."

Pond shifted slightly in his chair, contemplating his response. "Yeah, we have a chain of restaurants and hotels. It's a family business."

Phuwin nodded, trying to read Pond's expression. "That sounds impressive. Must be quite successful."

Pond chuckled softly, a touch of self-deprecation in his tone.

"Yeah, it does well. But honestly, Phuwin, I prefer not to focus on that side of things too much. I'm more interested in what's happening right now, with us."

Phuwin's brow furrowed slightly, sensing Pond's discomfort. "I understand. Sorry if I'm prying. It's just... I want to know more about you, Pond."

Pond reached across the table, his hand finding Phuwin's. "And you will, Phuwin. I promise. But right now, let's enjoy tonight. No need to talk about family and business."

Phuwin nodded, squeezing Pond's hand gently. "Okay, Pond."

As the evening drew to a close, Pond insisted on paying for the meal, despite Phuwin's protests. "I invited you, remember? It's my treat," he said with a playful wink.

Phuwin smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Pond. Tonight has been wonderful. I've never had an experience like this before."

Pond reached across the table, taking Phuwin's hand in his. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. You deserve all the best things, Phuwin."

Phuwin felt his heart flutter at Pond's words, the sincerity in his eyes making the moment even more special. "I'm really lucky to have met you, Pond."

Pond squeezed his hand gently. "The feeling is mutual, Phuwin."

— 🎀 —

Phuwin sat on his couch, his mind still lingering on the dinner conversation with Pond. As he replayed their discussion about family in his head, he couldn't shake off the unease he sensed from Pond whenever the topic came up. Pond's reluctance to share more about his family background left Phuwin with a nagging curiosity.

"He seemed really uncomfortable talking about his family," Phuwin muttered to himself, staring at the blank TV screen in front of him. He had always admired Pond's down-to-earth demeanor despite his success, but tonight, there was a glimpse of a deeper, more guarded side that Phuwin hadn't seen before.

Remembering Pond's strained expression, Phuwin wondered if there was more to Pond's reluctance than just privacy. Perhaps there were family issues or past experiences that Pond wasn't ready to discuss. Whatever it was, Phuwin respected Pond's boundaries but couldn't help feeling a tinge of concern.

"He's been so kind and supportive," Phuwin mused, recalling all the times Pond had cheered him up or surprised him with thoughtful gestures. "I just wish I could understand him better."

Lost in his thoughts, Phuwin absentmindedly reached for his phone, contemplating whether to text Pond. He hesitated, not wanting to pry further into Pond's personal life without permission. Yet, the unanswered questions lingered, and Phuwin couldn't deny his growing curiosity about the man who had captured both his admiration and his heart.


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