Chapter 1

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"I can't believe you're reenacting porn videos with your fake boyfriend."

Jimin smirks as he texts Yoongi from across the VIP room. "It's strictly for research purposes."

I purse my lips. "Yeah, sure. You're only doing it because you want to
write about it in your romance books. It has nothing to do with the fact that
you're having the best sex of your life with a gorgeous hockey star."

He grins. "It really is the best sex of my life."

"Well, good for you. You deserve it after limp-dick Sheldon."

It sucks seeing your best friend get cheated on by a guy who didn't
deserve him in the first place. I've plotted his death in seven different ways. Just waiting on the green light from him to make my move. I'm confident I can make it look like a painful accident.

Jimin bumps me with his shoulder. "Who was the best sex of your

"I refuse to assume that I've had the best sex of my life yet. If the best
sex I've had is the best sex I'll ever have, then I might as well go fling
myself into traffic right now."

"I thought you had fun with that guy from the Bronx."

"Eh, I'd give him a solid six. At least he didn't rub my clit raw like the rest of them. I don't understand why they think they have to treat it like they're buffing out a scratch on their car. It's sensitive. Fucking take it easy,
DJ Scribble."

Jimin tilts his head back as he laughs. "Some of them really are clueless unless you teach them."

"Maybe you've got the right idea. Maybe I have to start showing men
videos of what I want them to do in the bedroom. It's working wonders for you."

"Make a PowerPoint presentation."

"Now there's an idea." I heave a sigh, glancing over the railing at the
dance floor below.
"I'm so sick of these dating apps. The guys are all the same. They take you to their apartment-most of which haven't seen a Swiffer duster in months-and they all do that same jackrabbit maneuver for exactly three minutes until they come."

Jimiy cringes. "Maybe you should take a break from those apps. You're burning yourself out."

I spin around and lean my back against the railing. "At this rate, I'm
better off staying in and using my vibrator. She's never let me down."

While Jimin goes back to texting his fake boyfriend, a man steps inside the VIP room, garnering all of my attention.

Tall with dark features, he's wearing a black button-up with the sleeves
rolled along his muscular forearms, and a pair of jeans that hug his thick
legs. He towers over the rest of the hockey players around him as he nods hello to them before lowering himself to sit beside Yoongi. His large body looks disproportionate to the velvet couch under him. The length of one of his black dress shoes looks like two of mine stacked together.

SZA's Big Boy immediately starts playing in my head.

I know hockey players are generally big guys, but I can't imagine this
one gliding across the rink on ice skates. He looks more like the chopping-a-tree-in-the-woods type.

Better yet, he's the damn tree...and I'd like to climb it.

I nudge Jimin with my elbow.
"Hey, who's the guy who just walked
in and sat down next to Yoongi?"

Jimin glances up from his phone. "That's Kim Taehyung. He's the
captain of the Goldfinches. They call him V."

"Well, I'll call him sex on a stick."

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