Chapter 33

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"Yes! Score!"
Jimin jumps to his feet and screams with me.

"Let's fucking go, Goldfinches!" The score is officially 1-0, and we have home advantage. The crowd is electric around us, cheering on their team and booing the shit out of Philadelphia.

Taehyung's teammates slap him on the shoulders as he skates by after putting points on the board, and then his eyes find me in my usual seat behind Yoongi's goal. I blow him a kiss and he pretends to catch it with his glove before returning his attention to the game.

"Keep your eyes on numbers four and five," Celeste says. "They're notorious for playing dirty and causing a lot of fights." Jimin groans. "Why do they have to fight? Why can't they just play?" Both Jimin and Celeste have seen their husbands take some mean hits on the ice, and Jason even got taken out on an ambulance once. My
stomach hurts just thinking about something like that happening to
Taehyung, but I know it's the name of the game. Hockey is an aggressive
sport. Going into the second period, I notice the two players Celeste pointed out getting bolder with their hits. They each end up in the penalty box a couple of times, but it doesn't seem to stop them. Each time they slam into
one of the Goldfinches, the crowd lets out an audible gasp in unison.

Namjoon is visibly pissed, and at one point he ends up throwing off his
helmet and gloves to fight number four. Both of them come away with
bloody faces. He's up Namjoon's ass again in the next play, but Taehyung
slams him into the boards and shouts something at him before skating away. Heat flushes my skin. There's something about watching my man take charge on the ice that gets me all hot and bothered.

"You're turned on, aren't you?" Celeste asks. A devious smirk twists my lips in response. I can't wait to get him home later. I'm going to tell him tonight. I'm going to tell him I love him. Philadelphia has yet to score, and the tension between the teams only continues to rise in the third period. They take a shot, but Yoongi blocks another goal attempt and passes the puck to Jason, who manages to get it to Taehyung.

"Go, baby, go!" I scream, cupping my hands over my mouth. Taehyung flies like lightning across the ice, and I'm in awe at how fast he gets to the other side of the rink. Philly's defense is strong though. Taehyung passes to Namjoon, and he quickly fires it back. Taehyung takes it behind the goalie's net to escape, but number five is right behind him, running him into the boards and trying to steal the puck. They fight for possession, when all of a sudden, number four skates down the ice toward them.

"Shit," Celeste mutters as we all rise to our feet. "Get out of there!" I yell, as if Taehyung can hear me over the roar of the crowd. He's looking down at the puck, trying to get it away from the asshole behind him. He comes away with the puck, picking up speed and getting in position, but right before he can shoot for the goal, numbers four and five slam into him-one from the front and one from behind, sandwiching him between them. Taehyung's helmet flies off as they tumble. And his head smacks against the ice. Hard.

My hands fly up to my mouth as I gasp, the sound swallowed by the
eruption of the people screaming around us. There's a frenzy of fighting, gloves and sticks flying around the ice. Players from both teams take swings at each other, but all I can see is Taehyung's lifeless body lying on the ice.

"Why isn't he moving?" I ask. "Why isn't he getting up?" Celeste clutches my left hand. "He probably just got the wind knocked out of him."
A whistle blows and a medical team is signaled by one of the refs. Both teams freeze, realizing something is wrong. Taehyung's arms and legs are splayed out and he's not moving, but I'm too far away to see anything else.
"Are his eyes open?" My heartbeat feels like it's in my throat, and bile
rises in my stomach. "Can you see anything?" Jimin laces his fingers with my free hand. "Give him a minute." Come on, Tiger. Get up. Please get up.

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