Chapter 36

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"I think you should get out of here for a while." I ignore Jimin and continue with my routine. I fluff Taehyung's
pillow, roll some chapstick over his dry lips, and change the water in the
vases from the flowers that continue to show up from random strangers.

"Jungkook." He comes up behind me and touches my shoulder. "Seriously,
this isn't healthy for you. It's been seven days. You need a break."
"I take a break every night when visiting hours are over." "No, you don't, because you go home and take care of a four-year-old. And Annie said you haven't been sleeping because you're painting all night." He moves in front of me so I can't pass him. "Why don't you go to my apartment and sleep? Yoongi's at an away game, and no one's there."
I shake my head. "I'm not tired."
"Okay, well, I can take you to the gallery if you want. Maybe that'll
take your mind off-"

"I don't want to take my mind off of him." My voice comes out harsher
than I intend it to. "I want to stay right here, and wait for him to wake up.
He needs to hear me. He needs to feel me. He needs to know I'm here. I
don't want to leave him alone."
"The doctor will call you if there's any change." "No." The words are on the tip of his tongue, but he doesn't let them out. He wants to ask, What if he doesn't wake up? How long will you
continue this?

I know because he's my best friend, and it's what I'd be asking him if
the roles were reversed. But I can't bring myself to leave until visiting hours are over. And I can't even think about the gallery, let alone go there. I only have that place because of Taehyung. Maybe things will change in time if he doesn't wake up, but right now, after a week of this mind-numbing torture, I'm not ready to let go.

My stomach breaks through the silence with a loud grumble.
Jimin arches an eyebrow. "Not hungry, huh?" I hike a shoulder. "I guess I could go for something."
He sighs. "I'll go grab us some cheeseburgers from the cafeteria."
"Hey." I reach out for his arm before he can turn away. "Thank you for
being here for me."

He's been here every day. He brings his laptop and works on his next
book while he keeps me company.
He clasps my hand. "You'd do the same for me." And I would.

I wait for him to leave before I take my seat beside Taehyung's bed, and
run my fingertips along his forearm. "Well, it's day seven. I took Harin
to get her cast taken off today. The doctor said the fracture healed just fine. I made sure to ask a hundred questions because I know that's what you would've done." I lift his hand and press my lips to his knuckles.
"I love you, Taehyung. I wish I would've told you sooner. I wish I wasn't such a stubborn ass. But I hope you can hear me in there. I love you." I swipe my phone off the armrest and click to open the Spotify app. I've
been shuffling through his playlist for him, hoping the music helps stimulate something in his brain.

Brown Eyed Girl comes on first, and I smile, remembering the story
Taehyung told me about how his father used to sing this to his mother
while they were cooking in the kitchen. Then the memory of us dancing with Harin in the kitchen flashes through my mind, and hot tears sting my eyes. "Please, Tae." I lower my head against his palm as I sob. "Please, wake up." I lie there until the song ends, needing to release the emotion before Jimin returns with dinner.

But right before the song switches to the next, Taehyung's fingers twitch against my cheek. My head whips up as I gasp. Did I imagine it?

I stare down at his hand until I see his fingers twitch again. "Taehyung? Can you hear me?" My eyes flick up to his closed ones, waiting to see if they'll open. "Taehyung, you just moved your fingers. Do it again, baby.
Come on. Come back to me."

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