Chapter 30

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After three rounds of mind-blowing sex, Taehyung is passed out in bed.
I'm too wired to sleep, so I'm pouring my creativity into a painting. My mind races as I brush the paint across the canvas in light strokes, and I smile as the vibrant hues I mixed closely match the color of the sea in the
photograph I'm referring to.

It feels good to paint after so many years of stifling that creativity. Now
that I'm no longer working at Carter's gallery, I feel a sense of freedom. No
more excuses as to why I can't open my own gallery. No more putting off
my dream. It's time to pursue the things that make me happy.

My eyes flick to the shirtless man leaning against the doorway. He makes me happy. My heart rate kicks up at the sight of him. This feeling is so foreign, so new, so unlike anything I've ever felt before. Life with Taehyung is a life I never dreamed of because I didn't think I could have it. But he's here and he's mine, and I don't want to give any of this up.

"How long have you been standing there?" I ask, setting down my
brush. "Not nearly long enough to get my fill." He shrugs. "Though I'm not
sure I ever will." I let out a contented sigh. "I love it in here." "I love seeing you in here." He pushes off the frame and steps into the room, making sure to stop before getting too close to the painting. I told him I won't let him look at until it's finished. "The way your eyebrows push together while you work; the way you bite your bottom lip while you're mixing the colors. You're so focused, yet so at peace. I can't wait to see what you'll look like when you're standing in your own gallery one day."

I stand and pull the apron over my head, laying it down on the wooden
work desk beside me. "I think I'm ready to go look at some spaces."
His eyebrows jump. "Yeah?"
"I've been looking up vacant spaces in the area." I walk over to him and slip my arms around his waist, resting my chin on his chest as I look up at him. "Will you come with me?"

An expression of what can only be described as joy takes over his face
as he smiles. "Of course." I might not need someone to do things for me, but I sure as shit wouldn't mind this man holding my hand while I do it.


"Bye, Jungkook!"
I spin Harin around before setting her back on the porch. "Bye, kid. Have fun at your sleepover tonight." I lower my voice and add, "And don't break your other arm, or else your father will blow a gasket." She giggles as she glances over my shoulder at her father waiting for me in the driveway. "Blow a gasket."

Annie ushers her inside and wishes me good luck before locking the
door behind them. I turn to the man dressed in all black waiting for me on his black and yellow motorcycle-a BMW s1000rr, according to the him, as if I have the slightest clue what that means. He flips up the visor on his helmet and his dark eyes meet mine. I can't help the tingles that spread throughout my body at the sight of him straddling the seat. Forget the knight in shining armor all women dream of. I want the dark knight on a bike. I walk over to him and twist my hair into a low bun before pulling my helmet over my head.

His deep voice comes through the speakers. "Stop eye-fucking me, or
we won't be going anywhere tonight." "Being out on your bike didn't stop you last time." The memory of being spread out on Taehyung's bike with his tongue between my legs flashes through my mind, and my thighs clench to suppress the ache.

"You're walking a little funny," he says in an amused tone. "Everything
okay?" I hop on the back of the bike and wince. "Let me see you get fucked by your anaconda dick and try walking without a limp the next day." He chuckles, totally pleased with himself. I slide my hands around his waist, giving him a squeeze to let him know I'm ready.

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