Chapter 38

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“Kim Taehyung.” His shoulders bunch up around his ears as he makes a slow turn to face me. “Whoops.” I step into the garage and give him my best glare. “Whoops is right. The doctor said you need to rest.” He grimaces. “I’m getting antsy sitting in bed all day.” I tip my chin toward his bike. “So, whatcha doin’?” “Just tinkering.” He drapes a rag over the seat. “I don’t know what to do with myself.”

My tone softens. “I know you miss riding, and playing hockey.” He nods, the corners of his mouth tipping downward. “I hate knowing the guys are out there on the ice without me.”
“You’ll be out there with them soon.”
As much as that thought bothers me, I shove it down. Athletes don’t have the luxury of taking their time to recover. Once Taehyung is cleared to play by the medical team, he’ll go right back to playing as if nothing happened.
But something did happen. Something I never want to relive. And he reads it on my face like he always does, reaching out a hand for me.
“Come here.”

I slip my hand in his, and let him tug me close. He presses a kiss to the
top of my head as he wraps his arms around me.

“How are you doing?”

“I’m fine,” I start to say. “Just feeling overwhelmed with the gallery, and—”
“The truth, baby.” Taehyung’s grip around me tightens. “Tell me what’s
wrong.” I let out a long sigh. “I’m terrified of the thought of you putting on those skates again.”I pause, forcing out the words I’ve been holding inside for the last two weeks. “Every night before I fall asleep, I see you lying there in the hospital all over again; that bandage around your head; the tube down your throat; your body hooked up to machines.” Emotion stings my eyes. “I can’t get it out of my brain.”

He pulls back just enough to tip my chin, and I lift my gaze to those
puppy eyes of his. “I’m sorry you had to go through that. I can’t imagine
how I’d feel if the situation were reversed. But I’m okay. We’re okay. I
don’t want you to torture yourself with the memory of what happened. We have to keep moving forward.”

I nod. “I know.”

“But you don’t have to pretend to be okay for me. You can talk to me. I want to hear what’s going on inside that beautiful head of yours. I want you to tell me when you’re worried, when you’re scared. I want to carry that load with you. We’re in this together.” I close my eyes as he rests his forehead against mine. “I love you, Taehyung.”

“I wasn’t sure I’d ever hear you say those words.” He presses his lips to
mine. “I hoped for it. I dreamed of it. But I didn’t know if you’d allow
yourself to feel it.” “You didn’t leave me much choice.” I smile. “Your love made it impossible for me to keep my guard up.” “You never need to have your guard up with me.” He leans in for another soft kiss. “I love you.”

Warmth rushes over me, spreading from my chest out to every nerve
ending in my body. I tilt my head and open my lips, my tongue sweeping
inside his mouth, needing to deepen the kiss and pour myself into him.
“We don’t have much time,” I murmur, knowing we have to pick up Harin from school this afternoon.
“I know.” Taehyung sweeps me into his arms and carries me into the
house. “I just need to be inside you. Now.”

We’ve been insatiable since Taehyung got released from the hospital. It’s like we can’t get enough of each other, can’t get close enough, trying to make up for lost time, or for the time we almost didn’t get to have. We don’t make it past the kitchen as Taehyung sets me down on the island. We’re frantic as we claw at our clothes, ripping off each piece and tossing it onto the tile.

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