Chapter 22

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"Excuse me. What the hell is that on your finger?" My cheeks burn as I stick my hand behind my back. "Nothing."
"That's definitely not nothing." lisa darts around the counter and lunges for my arm. "Did you get engaged and not tell me?"
I grimace. "Maybe."
She gasps as she wrestles my arm out and sees the diamond sitting on my finger. "Oh my god, this is beautiful."
I smile a genuine one because it is a beautiful ring. "It was his mother's."
She clutches her chest as she swoons. "That's so romantic." Then she
smacks my arm. "Bitch, how could you not tell me this as soon as you
walked in this morning?"
I rub my arm. "I'm still getting used to being...engaged."
"Didn't I tell you? I knew you'd meet the one and put an end to your single days." She pulls me into a hug, and squeezes me tight. "I'm so happy for you, Jungkook."

I fight the frown that's pulling at my mouth. I didn't realize how shitty it
would feel lying to people about this. The world thinks I've found my
happily ever after, but all I've found is a big fat paycheck.

"How did he propose?"
I clear my throat. "Uh, he's a really private person so he did it at home."
"Did he get down on one knee?"
I lie and nod. "Yup."
Lisa squeals and throws her arms around me again. "This is so exciting."

Carter strides into the lobby, and my stomach clenches in a tight ball.
"What's so exciting?"
I had wanted to hide this from Carter for as long as I could, mainly because I don't want him to tell me that I'm not making work a priority just
because I'm wearing a ring on my finger. Too late now.

"Jungkook got engaged." lisa thrusts my hand out in front of him. "Look."
His eyebrows jump as he glances from the diamond to me. "Congrats."
The word is as insincere as it can get coming from him, but I force a smile and thank him anyway. He's been giving me the cold shoulder since I
asked for time off for Greece, and as uncomfortable as it is, I prefer this to
the sexual harassment. He slides his arms into his jacket and digs into his pocket before pulling out his keys. "lisa, I'll see you in the morning."

Once he's gone, lisa blows out a low whistle. "He is not happy with you."
I roll my eyes as I laugh. "Good. I prefer him when he's pissed at me. At least he's not groping me anymore."
She groans. "Hopefully he doesn't start groping me next."
I gesture to her very pregnant belly. "He'd have to be pretty fucking sick to grope a pregnant woman."
"I wouldn't put it past him."
Me either.

As we're closing up the gallery, Brittany, one of the newer hires walks into the lobby. She keeps her head down as she wraps her scarf around her neck. I step around the front desk to catch up to her. "Hey, Britt. How was your day?"
"Fine." She sniffles, barely glancing up at me. "See you tomorrow."
"Hey, wait." I move in front of her, blocking the door. "What's wrong?"
"It's nothing. I'm just not feeling well."
Lisa and I exchange a knowing glance, and a bad feeling settles in
my gut.

"You're upset." I dip my head, forcing her to look at me. "What happened?"
Her watery eyes bounce between me and lisa. "It's..."
"It was Carter, wasn't it?" lisa blurts out. A sob escapes her as she nods, and the tears stream down her face. "He told me not to tell anyone. He said he'd fire me."
I grip her shoulders. "What did he do?"
"He kissed me. And when I tried to get him off of me, he pushed me against the wall and did it again." She covers her face with her hands. "I was afraid to tell him to stop because I need this job, and I didn't want to make him mad."
"Son of a bitch." I spin around and run my fingers through my hair.
"He can't keep doing this."
"Has he done this before?" Brittany asks.
Lisa nods. "To quite a few different employees."
"We have to put a stop to this." I pace the length of the windows, gazing
outside at the people walking by.
"We have to do something."
"We don't have proof," lisa says. "It's our word against his. You know this."
"Then we need more than just our word." An idea takes form in my
mind, one I'm positive could work against the creepy fucker. "We'll get
video evidence."
"How are we going to do that?" Brittany asks.
Lisa shakes her head. "No. I don't like that idea."

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