Chapter 23

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The only thing better than being in Greece is seeing Harin's reaction to being in Greece. The wedding ceremony took place atop a balcony draped in white overlooking the Aegean Sea. Harin's wide eyes bounced around, so different from our home in the city. I love getting to see the world from her eyes, like everything is a wonder.

In her pale-pink dress, she performed her flower girl duties with a smile
-which she'd practiced before we left, sprinkling fake flower petals all
over the house. And now, she's hopping around the dance floor with Annie and Jungkook by her side, having the time of her life at her very first wedding.

Jungkook is different here. Carefree. Since the moment we stepped off the
plane, he seems more relaxed. It makes me wonder if he's ever been on a vacation prior to this. From the stories he's shared with me about his past, it doesn't seem likely.

"How is everything going between you two?"
I glance down at Jimin beside me. "Great. Better than I expected,
"He seems to be getting along really well with Rin."
"He is."
"And how are you doing?"
"I'm fine."

He arches a brow. "You forget, I was in a fake relationship too. I know
how blurred the lines can get."
"They're only blurred when you act out scenes for your romance book."
His eyes widen as he swats at my shoulder. "You're not supposed to
know about that."
I chuckle as I dodge his hand. "Your husband was very excited to share
that with the team."
"The whole team knows?" He groans before shooting Yoongi a glare across the dance floor. "He's lucky I love him."

My eyes flick back to Jungkook.
"The lines aren't getting blurred. I'm
making sure of it." Maybe if I say it out loud enough, it'll become true.
"Would it be so bad if they got a little blurry?"
"I have too much on the line to let that happen."
"Harin," he says. And my heart.
Watching Jungkook with Harin only makes me like him more. The way
Harin lights up when she's with him; how patient Jungkook has been with
her; living with this beautiful man, having him in my space every day and not being able to touch him and kiss him and hold him the way I's all eating away at me.

It feels like I'm drowning, but I don't want to swim to the surface. I don't want to fight this. I want to slip under the surface and let Jungkook consume me. But I can't. I have to stay afloat-not only for me but for Harin.

"Sometimes things have to get a little blurry before you can see properly." Jimin squeezes my shoulder before he leaves and makes his way over to his husband. The music changes, and couples break off from the groups on the dance floor. I head for my babies.
I kneel down to Harin's height and hold out my hand, palm facing up. "May I have this dance, young lady?"
She giggles as she throws herself at me. "Pick me up and spin me
Jungkook smiles as he turns to leave us, but I reach out and clasp his hand, tugging him close to me. "Where do you think you're going?"

His eyes dart to Harin before returning to me. "I was letting you
have a dance with your daughter."
"Dance with us, Jungkook," Harin says as she lays her head on my shoulder and yawns.

With one arm around my daughter, I wrap the other around Jungkook's
waist, sandwiching Harin between us. Jungkook surprises me by lowering
his head to my other shoulder and resting his palm against Harin's back. My heart nearly bursts from my chest with how full it feels in this moment.
To Jungkook, it's just a dance. To me, it's everything I've ever wanted.

One slow song bleeds into the next, and Harin's body hangs limp in
my arms.
"She's asleep," Jungkook whispers.
"I should get her to bed."
"I'll come with you."
"No, stay. Enjoy the rest of the party."
Annie appears beside me. "Both of you stay. I'll take her to bed. This
old lady is tired too."
I give her a grateful smile. "Thank you."
She shoots me a wink as she carefully lifts Harin into her arms.

I spin Jungkook out before pulling him back in, holding his body against mine as we continue to slow-dance.
His eyes are on the newly married trio as they dance together several
feet away from us. "I'm so happy everything worked out for them."
"Me too. It would've sucked if Jason got traded." Someone tipped off the team's General Manager, and sent him videos of Jason, Kourtney, and Celeste having sex on Kourtney's website. Their faces were covered, but the rumors were enough to do some damage. Jason was about to be traded until we came together as a team, and figured out a way around it.

Jungkook smirks. "I'm still in shock that the team posted videos of themselves on Kourtney's website."
"It was a great plan. The GM can't trade the entire team if we all post a
video, right?"
He laughs, but then his eyes snap up to mine. "Wait, we? You posted a
I nod. "Why do you sound so surprised?"

His mouth flaps open. "I didn't think...I figured..."
"I had to do it in solidarity." I hike a shoulder. "I'm the captain, after all."
His eyes bounce between mine. "Who did you have sex with?"
Heat trickles in to my cheeks. "Myself."
His words come out in a hushed whisper. "You jerked off on camera?"
"I didn't want to show my face in case it somehow gets back to Harin when she gets older." I glance around to make sure no one can hear us.
"But, yeah. I guess I can check off star in a porno off my bucket list."

Jungkook's head tips back as he laughs. "Oh my god. I told you: You have a wild streak in you, Tiger."

I grin. "I just did what any good friend would do."

The smile drops from his face.
"Is the video still up on the site?"

I hike a shoulder and avert my eyes. "Maybe."

He lets out an exaggerated yawn and tries to pull away from me.
"Well, I'm super tired. I'm going to my room now. Goodnight."

I yank him back to me. "Uh-uh. No way are you looking up that video."

"I didn't say I was looking up your video." He rolls his eyes. "I'm just
really tired."

I smirk. "Tired my ass."

"Come on, tiger. I'm celibate because of you. You've gotta throw me a bone here."

The song ends, and I flick his nose with my index finger.
"You are not watching me jerk off. End of conversation."

As much as the thought of him touching himself while watching that video makes my dick jump. We hang out with our friends for another hour, and then we drag ourselves back to our hotel rooms. I swipe the card over the lock, but stop when the door cracks open. "Shit."

Jungkook peers around the door of my hotel room. "What's wrong?"
When I booked the rooms, I got two adjoining rooms: one with a king-
sized bed, and the other with two queens. I figured I'd sleep with Harin in one bed, while Annie and Jungkook shared the other room. But it looks like Annie didn't get that memo, as my bed is completely empty.

"Annie must have taken Harin back to her room instead of leaving her in mine."

Sure enough, when I crack open the door that connects our rooms, I spot
the two of them sound asleep in each of the queen-sized beds.

Jungkook shrugs. "It's okay. We can share a bed, Tiger."
"Are you comfortable with that?"
"We're about to be married. I think I can handle sleeping next to you."
Well, that makes one of us.


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