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Six months later

“How do you feel?” I smooth my shaky palms down my black dress. “Like I’m going to puke.” Louise laughs and gives my shoulder a squeeze. “That’s totally normal.
But you have nothing to be nervous about. The gallery looks amazing. The art pieces you’ve chosen are perfect. You’ve worked hard these last several months to get everything ready for tonight.”

I have busted my ass to make sure the gallery was ready for tonight’s grand opening. I’ve gone over everything a hundred times, ensuring there isn’t a single thing I’ve left out. I just can’t believe this is happening.

“Thank you for all your help.” My eyes bounce around the room. “I
really enjoyed working with you.”
“I’d love to continue working with you. I think this gallery is going to
do great.” Louise smiles as she glances over my shoulder. “It looks like you
have it all. The career. The man. The kid.”

I follow her gaze and lock eyes with Taehyung, who’s watching me from across the room with Harin in his arms. “I do have it all.” I shake my head in disbelief. “I don’t know how, but I do.” “Cherish it.” Louise offers me a sad smile. “It doesn’t happen for many of us.”

I didn’t think it would happen for me. If I’d never agreed to fake marry
Taehyung, I’d still be stuck at Carter’s gallery. A shiver runs through me,
shaking me to my core. I often wonder how he’s doing in jail. If he regrets the choices he made. If he feels remorse. If he’ll be any different when he gets out.

I block out the thoughts of my old life and return my attention to Louise.
“It could still happen for you. Trust me, I never thought this would be my life. I was not this person you see before I met Taehyung.”
“You were.” Taehyung’s hands slide around my waist as he steps behind me. “You just didn’t know it.”
Louise places her hand over her heart. “You two give me hope.”
“Do you mind if I steal my wife for a minute?” he asks. “Of course not, go.” Louise waves us off. “There’s champagne over there!” I yell as she walks toward the back of the gallery.

Taehyung tugs my hand toward the corner near the entrance, and he
points up at the painting on the wall. “This is unbelievable.” My cheeks heat as I blink up at my finished painting. “You think so?” “I know so.” His brown eyes bounce around the canvas as he shakes his head. “You are so unbelievably talented.”

Pride swells in my chest. I worked on that painting for months, trying to
make sure it was just right before letting Taehyung see it tonight. When we were in Greece, I snapped a photo of Harin standing on the balcony
overlooking the Aegean Sea. The colors of the water, mixed with the sunset in the sky, and her bouncy curls blowing in the breeze made for a stunning picture.

Harin runs up to us and tugs on my hand. “Hey, that’s me.” I bend down and lift her into my arms. “It is you. So pretty.” She squishes my cheeks together, making my lips pucker like a fish. “You’re so pretty.” “Watch her makeup,” Taehyung warns, flashing me an apologetic grimace.

Harin lifts her hands up like a thief who’s been caught. “Oops. Sorry.”
“That’s okay.” I smack my lips against her cheek, leaving an outline of red lipstick on her creamy face. “You want to help me cut the ribbon?”
She gasps as her brown eyes widen. “Yes!”

She wriggles out of my grasp and bolts over to Namjoon and Yoongi.
“Uncle Joon! Uncle Yoongi! I’m going to cut the ribbon!” I grin as I watch her. “She gets so excited over the smallest things.” Taehyung spins me around and pulls me flush against him. “She really makes you appreciate everything.” “I appreciate you.” My fingers weave through his hair at the back of his neck. “I couldn’t have done this without you.” “You could’ve. I just helped you a little.”

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