Chapter 15

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"Great game tonight." I grin, clapping Yoongi on the back. "I still can't believe you stopped that biscuit at the end of the second period." He arches a brow. "You doubting me now?"
"Never." Tonight's home game was great, and I can't deny it's because I'm still on a high from my date with Jungkook this past weekend. The only time I've been able to stop thinking about kissing him was when I was on the ice tonight.

The way his mouth moved against mine, his tongue inviting me in, with
his legs locked around my waist while I kissed him against the building?
Absolute heaven. It's been forever since I've kissed someone, but no kiss has ever compared to the fire I felt with Jungkook.
Should I have kissed him? No.
Do I regret it? Also no.
But now it's going to be nearly impossible to keep myself from doing it again, and I need to be smart about the way we interact moving forward.

"Look at you, man." Namjoon spins his towel and whips me with it.
"You can't keep that goofy-ass smile off your face for more than two
seconds." I shake my head as I head into the shower, unable to deny it but not wanting to admit it out loud.
I have to keep myself in check.
This is nothing more than a fake arrangement to Jungkook.

Sure, he's been trying to coax me
into something physical, but that's where it stops for him. I can't get
attached. I can't delude myself into thinking he'll want more from me at any point. It doesn't help that our pictures are plastered everywhere I look this week. The headlines read, "V's secret boyfriend revealed."
I haven't bothered to scroll through the comments or read any of the articles, but it's out there in the world now. But as I head out of the stadium after my shower, all the excitement
drains from my body.

"Funny how your boyfriend is magically revealed after you find out
about losing the villa." My shoulders jump at the sound of my grandfather's voice lurking in the parking lot.
"Thought you were on your deathbed," I reply, schooling my expression to look bored despite the fact that he caught me off guard.
Lorenzo snickers. "I just wanted to drop by for a quick chat." I unlock my SUV and toss my duffle bag into the back seat. "You could've called me for a chat." "True, but then I wouldn't be able to see the look on your face when I give you this." He holds out a manilla envelope. "I have a feeling it'll be worth the trip."

Nerves clench my stomach as I take the envelope from him, but it's
nothing compared to the way the muscles in my entire body seize when I pull out a picture of Harin. She's holding Annie's hand as they walk out of her preschool together. My blood runs cold. "What. The fuck. Is this?"
Lorenzo slips his hands into his pockets, a smug smirk on his wrinkled face. "This is your reminder of what's at stake if I find out you're
fabricating a marriage to this new boyfriend of yours." My jaw clenches. "Sounds an awful lot like a threat to me." He hikes a shoulder. "Call it what you will. I just thought you could use
some incentive." "My daughter has nothing to do with this." My voice echoes off the low ceiling of the parking garage. "You're threatening to hurt children now? I always knew you were a piece of shit, but I didn't realize you were psychotic."

He laughs. "I'm not threatening your child. I'm simply letting you know
that if I find a shred of evidence that you're planning on an arranged
marriage to get around my will, I'll let the world know their favorite hockey captain has been hiding a lot more than a secret boyfriend." I lunge toward him, but he side-steps me and wags his index finger in my face. "Uh-uh. Remember, there's always someone watching. Wouldn't want to tarnish your good boy reputation, would you? Crazed hockey player
assaults his elderly grandfather post-game. How would Child Protective Services feel about that headline?" This motherfucker.

My lungs constrict as I ball my hands into fists, crumpling the picture of
Harin. "Get out of here. Now."
"I'll be seeing you, Taehyung." He walks backward into the parking lot.
"Oh, and by the way... your daughter is adorable. Looks just like you.Shame her mother didn't stick around." My face heats and I can feel my pulse thumping in my neck. Breathe. Deep breaths. Don't do anything stupid.

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