Chapter 18

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The high school art class that visited the museum today was perfect for Harin to tag along with. She insisted on walking beside me and holding my hand, and she took it upon herself to tell the class she was my assistant.
This kid is a trip. Taehyung stayed at the back of the group, watching and listening, taking it all in like the quiet observer he is. But it doesn't matter how quiet he is-when his eyes are on me, it speaks louder than any words he could say. I'd bet every penny of the hundred grand that he could recite each fact I've taught the group today-not because it's important to him, but because it's important to me. His attention is quickly becoming something I bask in, something I crave...and I don't know how to feel about that.

Several people recognized him throughout the day, asking for pictures and autographs. He accepted with a smile, though his gaze kept returning to Harin. I know he's nervous about how she's going to handle all of this, but I think it'll affect him more than it will her.
"I guess word got out that the great Kim Taehyung is here." I glance
out the window by the exit, noting the small crowd gathered on the
sidewalk. "News always travels fast." He finishes buttoning Harin's coat, and pushes to his full height as he lifts her into his arms. "Sam is pulling around back for us."

Harin pulls the lollipop I gave her out of her mouth. "You're coming to live with us tomorrow, right?"
I nod, answering her question for the fourth time today. "I am."
She smiles so big, her cheeks bunch up around her eyes. "I can't wait for you to see the surprise."
My eyebrows hit my hairline. "A surprise?"
Taehyung presses his index finger to her lips. "No spoiling it, remember?"
She giggles and bites the tip of his finger like a piranha before sticking
the lollipop back in her mouth.

I arch a brow. "A surprise, huh?"
Taehyung smirks. "Only the good kind. Promise."
"Mr. Kim, I hope you enjoyed your tour today." Both of our heads whip around as my boss strides toward us.
Taehyung's jaw clenches before he forces a polite smile. "We did, thank you. We had a wonderful tour guide." "Yes, well, the tour guide has to get back to work now." Carter glances
at me with a blank, unreadable expression. "Jungkook, I'd like to speak with you in my office before your three o'clock tour arrives."
I don't miss the way Taehyung's eyes bore into the side of Carter's head.
I nod as I turn my attention to Harin. "See you tomorrow. Movie night, don't forget." She sticks out her arms, and Taehyung leans over so she can reach me, happy as a clam with her candy as she hugs me.
"Bye, Jungkook."

I hesitate as I gaze up at Taehyung, unsure of how much PDA he wants
to show in front of his daughter.
"Eddie will pick you up tonight since I have a game," he says, wrapping a hand around my waist as he presses his lips to my forehead. "And then I'll
come get you with the SUV when I get back tomorrow so we can load up
your boxes." I shoot him a wink. "Good luck tonight."
He flashes me a smile, and carries Harin toward the exit. Her voice
echoes as they head out, and I find myself wondering what she's saying.
Nerves eat at my stomach as I watch the two of them. I've never lived with anyone other than my mother. How will it feel living with Taehyung and his daughter?

Am I ready for this?
For a hundred grand, I need to be. Carter escorts me to his office, and closes the door with a click behind us. "Boxes," Carter says as he rounds his desk to sit behind it. "Are you moving?"
I clear my throat and lower myself into the chair opposing his desk.
"Yeah, I'm moving in with Taehyung."
He arches a brow. "A little soon to be moving in, don't you think?"
My personal life is none of his business. I want to tell him that, but
instead, I bite my tongue and tell him, "We've been dating for a while. We
just haven't let anyone know about it." He nods. "There are some things I'd like to discuss." "Is everything okay?" "I just wanted to make sure the promotion is something you're still interested in." My chin jerks back. "Of course. Why wouldn't it be?"
He hikes a nonchalant shoulder.
"I don't know. You have a rich new
boyfriend. You seem preoccupied. I'd hate to see you throw away everything you've worked for."
My mouth flaps open. "Preoccupied? I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what
you mean." I've busted my ass at this job, bending over backwards to do anything and everything Carter has asked of me, staying later than any of the other employees and taking on more tours. He finds out about Taehyung, and suddenly he thinks I'm preoccupied?

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