Chapter 3

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"Jungkook, see me in my office when you're finished with the tour."
My stomach twists, but I force a smile as I turn to my boss. "Yes, sir."

I love my job as the education officer here at the gallery. I get to meet new people every day, and talk to them about the artwork I love so much.
My boss, on the other hand, makes me want to crawl out of my skin.

But I need this job, and it's going to open the door for me to own my own
gallery one day. One day.

Sometimes it feels like that day will never come, but the more I save up,
the more of a possibility it becomes.
After I say goodbye to my tour group, I make a beeline for my boss' office. Get it over with and rip it off like a band aid.

I tap my knuckles against the door frame. "Hey, Carter. You wanted to
see me?"

His blue eyes light up when they land on me, traveling down my knee- length sweater dress. "Come in. Close the door."

I step into his office and make sure to leave the door cracked open enough so my coworkers can see inside if they passed by. "Is everything okay?" I ask, standing behind one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"Yes, everything is fine. I just wanted to tell you how great you did with
the Sanderson School tour the other day. They left glowing reviews on the
website, and made sure to name their tour guide."

I smile and let out a breath of relief. "Thank you. They were an energetic group. They had so many good questions."

Carter rises from his chair and rounds his desk. I resist the urge to back away from him as he comes closer, the relief I just felt now dissipating.
When he reaches me, he lifts his hand and brushes my hair off my shoulder. "You're so good at your job, Jungkook."

I lean back a fraction of an inch. "Thank you. I do love it here."
The reminder more for myself to stop me from kneeing this guy in the

"I'd love to see you in a different role here. A higher title." He twirls a
strand of my hair around his index finger. "There are a few positions I'm
considering you for."

My heart races, my fight or flight response kicking into high gear as he
continues to touch me. "Uh, yes. I'd love to be considered for Susan's job
when it becomes available at the end of the year."

Several employees and I are gunning for Susan's education officer spot,
as sad as we are to see her go. It would mean more money, more
responsibility, and more experience for me-all of which I need before
owning my own gallery.

Carter inches closer. "Yes, I think you'd be a perfect fit for that role.
You and I would have to spend a lot of time together to discuss your ideas
and discuss the direction of the education department."

I swallow past the dryness in my throat. "Of course, sir. That sounds

"Jungkook, I told you: You can call me Carter." He leans in, his cheek
brushing against mine as he whispers, "As much as I love it when you call
me sir."

I clamp my mouth shut so I don't spew vomit all over my boss. I need this job.

I force another fake smile. "Well, I should get back to work. I have
another tour coming soon."

Carter opens his mouth to say something else, but he's cut off when
Lisa sticks her head into the office. "Jungkook, your tour is here."

"Ah, see?" I let out an awkward laugh. "Right on schedule."
I run out of the office, and clutch lisa's arm as we scurry down the hallway. "Is my tour really here?"

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