Chapter 10

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"Daddy, this is your best braid yet."
I smile down at my work. "I think you're right, baby."
Thank God for the girl dads of YouTube who post hair tutorials.
Learning how to style Harin's curls was one thing, but learning how to
do a French braid is something else entirely.

I spin her around so she's facing me on the bathroom counter.
"Let's go through our checklist one last time. Do you have your toothbrush?"
Harin pops up one finger in the air. "Check."
"Do you have your pajamas?"
"What about mini-Tannie? Did you pack him?"
"Check." Her little lips turn into a frown. "What if I miss the real tannie?I've never slept without him before."
"I know your first sleepover is a big deal, but I think you're going to have so much fun that you won't even have time to think about real tannie. And any time you miss him, you can squeeze the stuffed version of him."

"You promise you'll snuggle him in the big bed?"
I stick out my pinky. "I promise."
She twists her tiny finger around mine and kisses her thumb.
"What are you going to do tonight, Daddy?"
"I'll be here hanging out with yeontan."
"Will you miss me while I'm gone?"
"Of course, I'm going to miss you. I always miss you when we're not
together. But I'm so excited for you to have fun with your friends from

As much as I hate the thought of my little girl being old enough to have
a sleepover at her friend's house, I'm beyond excited to have Jungkook over for dinner. My body has been buzzing with nerves since he texted me last night saying he wants to talk about the fake marriage agreement.

Have I thought about how I'm going to tell him that I have a kid? No.
Do I think Jungkook will be cool with it? Also no. But I texted Jimin and asked for Jungkook's favorite meal, so I'm hoping that my cooking can convince him to do this with me.

Annie leans against the doorframe with Harin's coat in her hand, and
her eyebrows jump. "Wow, I think that's your best braid yet."
I puff out my chest. "Thanks. I'm getting better at it."
"Practice makes you better. Right, Daddy?"
I lift Harin off the counter and set her down on the tile below.
"Right.There's no such thing as perfect but-"
"You can always try your best," she finishes.

Annie shakes her head on a smile. "All right, Rin. Say goodbye to Daddy. It's time for your big girl sleepover."
"Big girl sleepover! Big girl sleepover!" she chants.
I crouch down in front of her and cup her sweet face. "Use your manners while you're there, and make sure you don't eat too much candy so
you don't get a bellyache."
"I'll be the bestest girl, Daddy. You'll see. I'm gonna do so good at my big girl sleepover."
"I know you will, baby." I wrap her in my arms and hold her tight, inhaling a lungful of her sweet scene. "I love you so much."
"I love you more."
"Nope, impossible. I love you the most."
"I love you more than all the grains of sand in the entire world."
"I love you more than all the blades of grass."
"I love you to infinity."
She squeals as I lift her into my arms and hold her above my head like
an airplane headed into the hallway. "To infinity and beyond!"

We let Harin have a moment with her dog before Annie takes her hand and leads her onto the porch. Annie shoots me a wink.
"Have fun tonight, Taehyung."

My stomach clenches in a tight ball. "Will do." Fun. Nothing about this messed up scenario is fun. Maybe if Jungkook were coming over for an actual date, and not to discuss the large sum of money he'll be getting if he agrees to enter into a marriage of convenience with me...But no. Thanks to my grandfather, my life can't be that simple.

I straighten up the bathroom after Annie and Harin leave, then
vacuum yeontan's hair off every square inch of the house before making sure everything is tidy in our bedrooms. Not that I'm expecting Jungkook to venture into my bedroom tonight, but he might want to check out the space he'll be living in at some point. I pause in the doorway of Harin's room. Pinks and purples; Disney princesses; baby dolls and puzzles. I try to imagine Jungkook having a tea party dressed in a pink dress-because apparently, we're not allowed to dress down for tea parties in this house-but I can't picture it.

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