Chapter 4

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If you asked me why I'm outside of Jungkook's art gallery, waiting for him to get off work, I wouldn't have an answer for you. Actually, I'd tell you it's to pay him the money I owe him from our bet. But I could've easily sent him a check in the mail. The money isn't the only reason I'm here.

Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment, teasing myself with something I
can never have.
Maybe I'm just a fool.
Probably both.

I haven't been able to get this man out of my head since the moment I heard his sassy mouth the night we met, and the last encounter we had at Namjoon's house only brought me closer to breaking all of my rules.

Would it be so bad for one night? Hell no. I have no doubt Jungkook would
be every one of my fantasies come true.

But a man like him would chew me up and spit me out after he's finished with me. I'd want more, and he'd only discard me after he got what he wanted. I can't get invested in someone who doesn't want me, the
real me, someone who isn't looking for the thrill of a night with a pro

I come with too much baggage to be careless over one night of sex. Which is one of the reasons I lost the air hockey game on purpose.

Jungkook doesn't truly want a date with me, and he obviously needs the
money. I didn't want to take that from him just to force him to go out with

I push off my bike when I spot him exiting the gallery. His long dark
hair cascades over his shoulders in loose, bouncing waves,complimenting his pale skin. Thick eyebrows arch over his dark eyes, and red lipstick makes his plump lips pop, offsetting the black sweater dress clinging to his lush curves. His black leather ankle boots clack against the pavement as he steps outside.
Damn, he's sensational.

He locks the front door and spins around, then gasps when he sees me.
I grimace, holding up my hands. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Fuck." His eyes are wide as he clutches his chest. "You can't lurk
around late at night dressed in all black and sneak up on a man."

"I wasn't lurking. I was standing here in plain sight. I thought you saw me." I rub my palm against his back. "Are you okay?"

He flinches at my touch and jerks away from me.
"I'm fine. You stalking me now,"

"I wanted to give you the money I owe you. I would've called you, but I
didn't think you'd answer if you didn't recognize the number, so Jimin told me where you worked."

"Traitor," he hisses. "Who says I'd have answered even if I did recognize the number?"

"Touché." I chuckle. "Let me give you a ride home."

His eyes dart to my bike. "You have a motorcycle?"

"Yeah, why do you say it like that?"

"I expected you to drive a Camry or a minivan. Something safe and

"That sounds like an insult."

"It's not an insult if it's the truth."

"Come on." I hold up the spare helmet I brought for him. "Let me give you a ride."

He spins on his heels. "Thanks, but I'll walk."

I follow after him. "I can get you there quicker."

"I refuse to get on that thing."

"I'm a very careful driver."

"No such thing on a motorcycle."

I frown. "You walk home alone often?"

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