Chapter 28

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"I have a bad feeling about this."
"Don't worry." I pace the floor of the break room, holding my phone out in front of me. "Everything is going to happen according to plan."
Brittany nods from her seat at the table. "Don't stress, lisa. We got

Tonight's the night Brittany and I are going to catch creepy Carter red-
handed. While he was out running an errand earlier, we snuck into his office and scoped out the perfect spot for me to hide while still being able to record the video from my phone. Brittany is dressed in her usual work attire-high-waisted black slacks and a silky pink button-down-so as not to draw attention with anything overtly sexy. Not that it should matter what a woman wears. Men shouldn't take a
cute outfit as an open invitation to touch a woman.

"Well, I'm not letting you do this without backup," lisa says. "Call
me from Brittany's phone and keep me on the line while you record the
video from your phone. Just in case anything goes wrong."
"Nothing's going wrong." I square my shoulders and lift my chin. "We're taking this guy down, and that's it."
"Come on, you don't want to make me worry when I'm with child." I roll my eyes. "I'll call you once it's over, I promise." "Just be careful." We end the FaceTime, and I glance at Brittany. "You ready for this?" She nods, pulling at her collar.

"Are you sure you want to be the bait? I can do it if you'd rather-" "No." She stands from the chair. "I can do this."
"Okay. Let's go. Carter should be back any minute." I lie and let Eddie know he's off duty for the night because Taehyung will be picking me up from work. Then I head into Carter's office, and tuck myself inside the closet behind his desk. I'm able to hide behind one of the walls inside, and peek my phone's camera through one of the slats in the closet door.

Brittany hands me her unlocked phone before scurrying out of the office to wait for Carter. While I wait for them to enter the room, I make sure my phone is set to silent so it doesn't go off and alert Carter that I'm in here. Luckily, New Jersey has a one-party consent law, meaning we can record Carter without his consent and use it as evidence in a case against him. I've thought of everything. There will be no surprises. This plan is fool-proof.
We're finally going to nab this asshole.

After several minutes, Carter invites Brittany into his office, closing the
door behind her. Show time.
Carter remains standing, facing Brittany, instead of asking her to take a seat. "I'm so glad you waited for me to get back so we can talk." If she's nervous, she doesn't show it. She tucks her hair behind her ear, acting coy. "I just wanted to tell you how much I love working here. I'm so
grateful you hired me." His back is to me, so I can't see the look on his dumb face, but he reaches out his hand and lays it on her shoulder. "You've been doing a great job. I can see that you're willing to put in the work to move up the ranks."
"I am," she says as she nods. "I'm a hard worker. I'll do anything you
need me to do to help out around here." Ha. Way to bait him right into that one.

"Hard-working and beautiful." His hand moves off her shoulder, and his
fingers trail down the buttons of her blouse. "That's a deadly combination." My stomach lurches, and I have to bite the inside of my cheek to stop
myself from gagging. Brittany's throat bobs as she swallows. "Sir, I've been thinking. I know you kissed me the other day, but I want to keep things professional between us. I don't think you should do that again."

Good job bringing up the kiss for the camera, Britt. "Ah, come on." Carter pops open the top button on her blouse, and moves to the next. "It'll be our little secret. We can still maintain a professional relationship." She takes a small step backward, and puts her hand up. "I don't feel comfortable with that. You're my boss."
"That's right. I am your boss. And don't you want to please your boss,
Brittany?" He inches forward with each step she takes away from him. He reaches out and grips the back of her neck. "I think we can make this a
mutually beneficial partnership."
Brittany told me to wait until after he kisses her to make sure we have it
on camera. I told her she didn't have to take it that far, that I didn't want her to do something she wasn't comfortable with, but she insisted.

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