Chapter 27

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"Daddy!" I drop my bag and brace for impact as Harin flings herself at me, Tan not far behind. "Hi, my girl. How do you feel?" "Better." I hold her tight to me. "Yeah? Your belly doesn't hurt anymore?" "Nope. I haven't frowed up since yesterday." I press my lips to her cheek. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here to take care of you." "It's okay. I missed you, but Jungkook helped me feel better."

I step into the living room, and spot Annie on the couch with loki.
"Hey, Annie. How are you feeling?"
She smiles as she pushes off the couch. "A lot better than yesterday."
I set Harin down, and she runs over to play with loki. "I'm so sorry you had to handle all that while I was gone."
I know better than anyone how tough it is dealing with a sick child, especially when vomiting is involved. I'm reeling from the guilt of not
being here for her. She waves me off. "It was mostly Jungkook." I glance around the room. "Where is he now?" Annie grimaces. "Poor thing isn't feeling well himself now." My eyebrows lift. "He's sick?"

She nods. "He's been throwing up since this morning. I wouldn't have
known if I didn't come by with groceries. I swear, he would've tried to take care of Harin by himself until you got home." I let out a sigh and run my fingers through my hair. More guilt pours into my gut.

"Why don't you go and check on Jungkook while I get dinner started? I don't know how much he'll be able to keep down, but the broth from the
chicken soup might be a good start."
I shake my head. "You don't have to-" "Stop." She squeezes my arm. "Go be with him." I nod before stepping into the hallway. I crack open Jungkook's bedroom door, and find him curled in a little ball at the edge of the bed with the garbage pail from the bathroom on the floor beneath him. He can barely lift his head off the pillow as he peels his eyes open.

"Taehyung, get out of here. Save yourself." I lower myself onto the bed, trying not to jostle the mattress too much. His hair is damp around his forehead, and his skin is a sallow color. "I'm so sorry you're sick, baby." I press my wrist against his hot
forehead, glancing at the empty nightstand. "Have you had anything to drink?" "I can't keep anything down." He covers his face with his hands. "Seriously, don't look at me. I'll be fine by tomorrow." "You need to drink and stay hydrated," I say, ignoring his request to leave him alone. "And you need to go wash your hands. You can't afford to get sick."
"You're sick because you were taking care of my daughter. I'm going to
take care of you now." "There's nothing you can do for me. It just has to work its way out of my system." He reaches down for the garbage and groans. "Seriously, Taehyung. Get out."

I pull his hair back away from his face as he heaves into the pail. My chest aches for him, laden with guilt. After the wave of vomit is over, I place
the pail back on the floor and wipe his mouth with a tissue off the
nightstand. He buries his face under the comforter. "I don't want you to see me like this."

"Like what, sick?" I peel back the covers and force him to look in my
eyes. "We took vows, remember? In sickness and in health."
"We also said until death do us part, and we know that was a lie."
I heave a frustrated sigh. "You just spent the weekend getting puked on
by my daughter-so I'm going to take care of you whether you like it or
not." He pouts. "I don't have the strength to argue with you right now." I clutch my chest. "That's the best thing you've ever said to me."
He lifts a feeble hand and flips me off.

I chuckle as I rise from the bed and take the garbage pail with me,
closing the door on my way out. I rinse out the pail, and line it with a
garbage bag so I can change out the bag each time he throws up. I grab a
Gatorade from the fridge, and stick a damp washcloth in the freezer to chill. Harin is helping Annie in the kitchen, stirring a spoon in the pot over the stove. "We're making chicken soup for Jungkook." She frowns as she looks up at me. "I gave him my germs, Daddy. I didn't mean to." "It's okay, baby girl. It's not your fault." I ruffle her curls. "What do you say we have a daddy/daughter movie night tonight? I want to spend some
time with my girl." She beams. "Can I pick the movie?" "Of course."

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