Chapter 31

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"The limo is here."
Jungkook's muffled voice comes from behind the bathroom door. "Almost ready!" The door cracks open and Harin slips out before closing it behind her. "Wait until you see him. He looks like a princess, Daddy."
"I bet he does." I scoop her up into my arms and press my lips to her pudgy cheek. "You going to be a good listener for Annie tonight?" She rolls her eyes. "I'm always a good listener." I arch a brow. "No waiting up for me?" Her shoulders slump forward. "Can I at least sleep in the big bed while you're gone?" "You have Tan and loki to keep you company in your bed." "But your bed is so much more comfortable," she whines. "Tell you what: If you sleep in your own bed tonight, I'll take you to the movies tomorrow to see the new Disney movie." Her eyes light up as she gasps. "Deal!" I planned on taking her to see the movie regardless, but she doesn't have to know that.

A flash of red in the corner of my eye pulls my attention as Jungkook steps
out of the hallway and into the living room. My jaw drops, and Harin giggles. "Told you he looked like a

Jungkook in this curve-hugging satin dress looks like anything but a
princess. More like a tantalizing siren ready to lure me to certain death-
and I'd go willingly. Jungkook does a slow spin. His hair is swept into an elegant bun. I don't often get to see him with his hair up, and my lips are
already itching to kiss the nape of his delicate neck. I blink and clear my throat. "You're flawless." He grins as his eyes trail down my tux. "You don't look so bad yourself."

We say goodbye to Annie and Harin, and make our way to the limo
outside. "You did good picking out this dress, Tiger." He arches a brow. "Do
I even want to know how you figured out my size?" "I went through your closet while you were in the shower a couple of weeks ago. Then I went to a few stores until I found this one." My hand rests on his low back, my fingers skimming the soft skin there. "I knew it'd look perfect on you." He shivers against my touch. "Keep touching me like that and we'll have to find a coat closet when we get there."

My dick twitches at the thought as we get inside the limo. He rests his head on my shoulder as the driver pulls away, as if showing me affection is the most normal thing in the world. I don't know if I'll ever get used to it though. Since the night he got attacked by Carter, it's like something changed in him. As if he needed to know I'll stand by him even when he messes up; as if he finally realized that I mean it when I say I'm not going anywhere. As if maybe, he's falling in love with me too.

He hasn't said it, and neither have I. I don't want to scare him off being
too much too soon. But the words are at the tip of my tongue every time I
look into his eyes.
"I've never been to a charity event before," he says. "This one is pretty standard compared to other galas, but there's a two-drink maximum at this one." "That's a great idea. There shouldn't be an option for people to get drunk at an event with people who lost their loved ones to drunk driving."

I've been supporting this charity since I started making money with the
Goldfinches. A drunk driver took my parents away from me, and while
there's anger and resentment there, I also feel sorry for the person who was has to live with that mistake on his conscience for the rest of his life. That's what I love the most about this charity. Not only do we help the victims' families, but we provide assistance to substance abusers who need help. If my money can make a difference in someone's life, then I'll happily donate anything I can.

As the limo approaches the venue, I squeeze Jungkook's hand. "It might be a little chaotic when we arrive. The paparazzi aren't allowed in, so we'll
have to take a few pictures, but then we can relax once we're inside."
He lifts his head off my shoulder and watches out the window as we get closer. He hasn't complained about being in the spotlight once since we
started this thing. He hasn't complained about being photographed, or being hounded everywhere he goes, and he hasn't given security a hard time about following him. He has truly taken this whole unlikely situation in stride, and I couldn't be more grateful for it. For him.

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