Chapter 14

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Taehyung shows up promptly at 6:55pm for our date. He's leaning against his blacked-out SUV looking like an absolute snack in charcoal gray slacks and a black button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His thick hair is styled neatly instead of the usual messy mop from being smushed under his helmet.

I smirk as I make my way down the stairs of my apartment building. "Five minutes early just as I suspected." "If you're not early, you're late." His dark eyes make a slow perusal of my long-sleeve black dress, and I don't miss the way his jaw ticks when he
reaches my bare thighs peeking out of the thigh-high black boots. "You look
incredible." "Had to look good for the paparazzi." He dips down and presses his lips to my cheek, letting his mouth linger by my ear. "So, this dress isn't for me?" "Not unless you're planning on taking it off me, Tiger." He glances up at the sky like he's saying a silent prayer. But it's a lie. This dress is totally meant to drive him crazy.

He swings open the door to the back seat and before he follows me into
the car. "Sam, this is Jungkook, my boyfriend." I flinch at the word boyfriend. It sounds so foreign. I've never been a boyfriend before. I know we need to use terms like this, but it's definitely going to take some getting used to.

"Hey, Sam." I wave at him in the rear-view mirror. "Thanks for driving us around tonight. Any chance you'll tell me where we're going?" Sam chuckles as he pulls away from the curb. "But that would ruin the surprise." "Damnit, he got to you too." I glare at Taehyung. "I hate surprises." He reaches out and squeezes my hand. "This will be a good surprise, I
promise." The way he's looking at me is as if he knows the reason I hate surprises is because I've only had bad ones.

I shift in my seat and stare out the window, trying to figure out where
we're going. We take the Liberty Bridge into Manhattan, with endless
possibilities there. I watch Sam's turns, trying to figure it out for nearly thirty minutes. But it's not until we turn onto 5th Avenue and slow to a stop in front of vast steps peppered with paparazzi pointing cameras in our direction that it hits me.

My lips part and my heart thumps a furious rhythm in my chest. "We're
going to the MET?" He nods. "I rented it out for the evening." "You rented... the MET?" He chuckles. "The whole museum just for us." "I love this museum." "I figured you would."
I blink between the museum and him, my brain not fully computing the
fact that this man rented out the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
For me. It's not dinner or a movie. It's not drinks at a bar. It's not a, "You up?" text at 1AM. It's thoughtful and sweet. It's clever.

It's one of my favorite places in the world, yet I've never told him that.
But I don't have time to let it all sink in, because we have to get out of
the quiet vehicle. "It's going to be a little bright out there," Taehyung warns. "Just hold my hand, keep your head down, and don't answer any questions. Understand?" I nod, nerves buzzing under my skin. "Yes."

Celeste leaked the news that Kim Taehyung would be stepping out
with his never-before-seen boyfriend, ensuring that our picture would make it onto the news to get the city talking. It's only now that it dawns on me that my simple life is about to become a lot less private. Am I ready for this?

Taehyung watches me with those keen dark eyes. "You ready, spitfire?"
"Ready," I lie. Sam steps around the front of the SUV and swings open our door. Taehyung slides out first, and there's a frenzy of clicks and flashes as the paparazzi descend upon us. I clasp Taehyung's hand, and he tugs me close, guiding me up the museum stairs.

"Kim, who is this man?"
"Is this your boyfriend?"
"How long have you been dating?"
"Kiss him!"
Flashes go off like lightning around us, making it hard to see. I grip
tight onto Taehyung, praying that I don't miss a step and fall in front of all these people. "I don't remember there being so many stairs here," I mutter. Taehyung chuckles. "Almost there." Finally at the top, we push through the glass doors and once it closes behind us, silence blankets us again.

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